Do you share your frugal goals with your family? Here’s a big reason you should.
My husband has the sweetest grandmother. I love her to death. She reminds me of what I’m going to be like if I make it to 76.
She is the mother of 5 and was married with her first child by the age of 17. Needless to say, she’s well versed in the language of frugality.
Share Your Frugal Goals With An Advisor and Encourager
Funny thing is, she’s the one I talk to about new cheap recipes that I’ve found, new ways I stretch a buck in a house with a growing boy and a Paul Bunion-esque husband.
She always tells me how proud she is of me and how impressed she is at how well I take care of my “little family.”
I don’t share these things with her to give reports or anything of that nature. I just love to share with someone who appreciates it and can give me input.
She recently gave me a cheap slow cooker beef stew recipe that we’ve tried and loved, and it only cost me around 3 dollars – 1 dollar a person and 2 servings per person!
Confide In Someone Who’s Been There
The fact that she’s “been around the block” makes me eager to tell her about the canned tomatoes that I got for free after coupons, or how I got the baby’s soy milk for 90 cents. She’s the best!
Back to the title of this post. Because I tell her about my triumphs (and downfalls) she sends sweet letters of encouragement.
A Little Something To Spend
Within the last year, she’s been adding “a little something” for us to spend on ourselves, whether it’s out to dinner, a new sweater for me, or a new pair of shoes for sonny boy.
It’s for us to SPEND. Period. I’ve tried to use it for bills or whatever may come up but I’ve been yelled at, numerous times. Ha!
She likes to hear exactly what we did with it and that we had a good time. I know that she remembers how it used to be for her, and wants me to be able to treat myself and my family every once in a while.
How do I know this? She told me. So, guess what we will be doing tomorrow? Treating ourselves to a calorie-filled meal at Friendly’s ( and saving the rest of the money for diapers).
The old lady (as I endearingly call her) will be happy, we’ll be happy and on Sunday I’ll be back in the kitchen. Remember to share your frugal goals with the ones you love.
Oh that is too funny! I can just see her now giving you the third degree when she finds out you didnt spend the money the way she wanted you to. She will resort to buying gift certificates is you’re not careful! hehe