I was recently on a message board and they had a post up where they wanted to know everyone’s favorite solution for leftovers. My heart skipped a beat! I’m an avid casserole junkie and I don’t mind admitting it. Then, it happened….one person said that they actually THROW AWAY their leftovers because they hate them. Agh! Throwing out food that isnt’ spoiled? Is this bizarro world? I couldn’t believe my eyes! I then went on a rant about how anything can be made into a brand new dish, not to mention casseroles are the best gift to a tired cook. Blah Blah Blah. I can’t even remember everything I said. I had a mommy blackout. And no, I’m not telling which message board. I will not incriminate myself in that manner.
Needless to say, I was wondering what you all feel about casseroles or leftovers in general? Do you have leftovers from your meals or does every meal get eaten up? As you may have noticed, I tend to use the leftovers from the first 3 meals of my week to make the next 3 and I have a vegetarian dish (or two) implanted in the weekly meal plan. NOTHING goes to waste. I freeze some leftover meals for Hubby to have when I have a drill weekend (this weekend he’s going to have chicken spaghetti and chili). I remember when we used to throw out the food we didn’t eat and it makes me a bit sick, to tell you the truth. I will never do that again. I’d rather give it away or have an improptu “fridge emptying” party than throw it out. We could be homeless and without food in a blink of an eye so wasting is not an option in these days and times. Ok, my .02 has been given. I’m off the soapbox now :o)
Which board? Oh come on and tell!
I used to eat what leftovers I could by myself and a lot got thrown away cause hubby’s motto was.. “if it was so great the first time, why is it left over?” FINALLY after 16 years, I have him eating left overs. Not much gets thrown away… what little is left if anything goes to the four dogs or 13 chickens. But even then it’s almost non-existant.
I keep one or 2 servings in the fridge for lunch, and the rest I divide up into small Tupperware containers and freeze them. That way I have something EASY to cook for Taylor and I when hubby is traveling on business. Defrost, microwave, serve – instant meal.