The bathroom is my least favorite room to clean. Just the fact that it is the only room in your home where you go in “dirty” with the intention to clean yourself, makes me gag. And don’t get me started on the toilet. This room is the real reason why I decided to take my spring cleaning slow this year; otherwise, I would spend most of my cleaning time constantly sanitizing everything in the bathroom and not worrying about anything else. Ok, here is the game plan: I’m going to break down the parts of each room and take care of those parts day by day. This will give me time to thoroughly clean, sanitize(if need be) and organize the particular section. Here’s what I have in mind for the bathroom:
Day 1: Clean shower curtain liner(can be put in washing machine but we pay to wash so it will be done with a bit of bleach, dish soap and water in our bucket.
Day 2: Scrub the tub and shower walls
Day 3: Scrub and sanitize the toilet(yuck!); soak bowl scrubber in cleaning solution in a bucket
Day 4: Clean, sanitize and organize the sink (on top and underneath)
Day 5: Clean and organize medicine cabinet
Day 6: Hand clean(yes, on your hands and knees…there are spots you can miss with a mop) bathroom floor
Day 7: Replace towels, wash clothes, bath rugs, toothbrush, toothbrush holder cup, etc. with new and/or clean versions. New clean bathroom should have everything else new and/or clean!
I already did the first two days on Friday and Saturday so today is the infamous “toilet” day. Remember, if you have the time to do all of these things all at once, unlike me, please feel free to do so. But, don’t make the mistake of spending too much time in one spot. I am going to take 30 minutes at most for each section, but if you are doing the whole room in one day, please use a timer and give yourself only 15 minutes for each section. Trust me, thats all the time you will need and want to give each section if you are doing them all at once.
I have a confession: I am a woman who HATES to clean bathrooms also…. and I have 3 FULL bathrooms. 🙁
Do you feel sorry for me yet? lol
lol yes, I definitely do. When I lived at home, we had 1 full bath and one half bath and I ALWAYS had to clean them. That was my chore. I think thats why I hate it so much. You have to deal with 1 and a half more bathrooms than I do lol.
Luckily for me, my roommate (aka my sis) LOVES to clean the bathroom!! Weird, huh?
Hubby used to clean the bathroom for me but not anymore since we moved into our new home. I need to ask him why he quit.
I have too many boys in my house, need I say more? I did teach them to clean up after themselves when they were little by handing them a sponge with every mess, but somehow they have fallen away from that habit…
I have a friend that has 2 bathrooms in her house like me, yet she has decided one was a testosterone free zone and one was everyones. She cleans both!