For once in quite some time, this meal plan was pretty easy to put together. Took me about 10 minutes! Thats because my pantry, fridge and freezer are packed with so much food that I’m glad I won’t have to shop next Sunday. Plus, Sunday is mother’s day! Yay! Funny thing is, I forgot it was this Sunday and was already planning on taking a break from shopping that day lol. Here’s the plan for the week:
Monday: Cinco de Mayo! Beef and lamb tacos with all the fixins; frozen strawberry margaritas(for mama and papa)
Tuesday: Pan seared mustard catfish with yellow rice and broccoli
Wednesday: Roast Chicken(get ready for a casserole lol) with baked potatoes and side salad
Thursday: Hot Kielbasa Dogs with potatoes and onions
Friday: Choice of pea soup or carrot soup; garlic bread and side salad
Saturday: Casserole Day! Don’t know which one yet….will depend on the leftovers in the fridge.
Sunday: Happy Mother’s Day!
I hear your MIL is coming and you are looking forward to it. That’s terrific! I love my DIL too!