Meal plan Monday!

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After I posted the pictures of my stockpile last thursday, I decided to try to live out of our pantry this week and only get minimal amounts of things from the stores this week. I may only go to 2 stores! I know, gasp! We really dont need much….just the eggs that I got at CVS yesterday and the juice and shredded mozz. cheese that I got today at Shop Rite. Wow…I think this is a first! I don’t “need” much for this week! I really do have a great stockpile.

Monday: Spaghetti night! Whoo Hoo!(will save some of sauce for chili on sunday)
Tuesday: Chicken noodle soup with homemade yeast rolls(my monkey bread recipe without rolling the dough in butter and sugar)
Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner(a great “hump day” meal lol)
Thursday: Meatloaf, mac and cheese and veggie medley; dessert- entenmenns’ style pound cake(new recipe…will post it if its any good); saving some of meatloaf for chili on sunday
Friday: Fried Chicken, cheesy broccoli and tater tots
Saturday: Leftovers night
Sunday: Slow cooker cheesy chili with tortilla chips

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 5.14.08
    Precious said:

    Would you share your fried chicken recipe with me? I make “lousy” fried chicken.

  2. 5.14.08
    Lisa said:

    I’m so ready for some good sales! We’ve been living out of the pantry with the exception of a few things and my “mini store” is getting low on certain things.

  3. 5.15.08
    Amiyrah said:

    Precious, I will dedicate a post to it today. Stay tuned!