Meal Plan Monday!

Sharing is caring!

Pretty straight-forward week! Trying out a new recipe, chickpea sauce with pasta, and I hope it turns out OK. We need a new vegetarian dish to put in the mix and I have a can of chickpeas in the pantry that I want to use up but don’t want to take the falafel route. *sigh* I do love falafels though. I’ll let you all know how it turns out :o)

Monday: hamburg steak(thanks Omaha snakes!) with mashed potatoes and creamed corn
Tuesday: no-fry mustard chicken tenders with cabbage and flavored rice
Wednesday: chickpea sauce and pasta with garlic bread
Thursday: beef gravy with rice and diced carrots
Friday: Pizza night…french bread pizza! yay!
Saturday: leftovers night
Sunday: A full Thanksgiving dinner! Gotta use up my free turkey :o)

Bread of the week: Wheat and french bread
Dessert of the week: southern plate’s peach cobbler

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 11.3.08
    Precious said:

    Can I come to dinner on Sunday? 🙂

  2. 11.3.08
    nidena said:

    Hey darlin’, I mentioned your blog over on the Northeast WIRR thread so you might see some new folks…or…you might not, if they’re lurkers. I specifically mentioned your Menu Planning Mondays. 🙂

  3. 11.4.08
    Amiyrah said:

    thanks nidena!

    precious, you know ur welcome over on sunday lol. Since we aren’t having thanksgiving here, I wanted to do our own celebrating. Plus, I’m anticipating all the leftover meat that i can freeze lol.

  4. 11.4.08
    ~huntfish said:

    Hey Doll,
    This whole week looks yummy…I think I’ll get motivated and post mine for the week……maybe that will get me back on track. I love everything you do for us, and um….yep I’m going to vote today!!