Stockpile Double Agent series- Campbells canned gravy

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Ahhhh Gravy. My favorite part of Thanksgiving(it’s essential for the “perfect bite”) and actually, quite a life saver for me in the winter months. Since my Husband is part of the Paul Bunyan wannabe association, and my boy is starting to eat like his Papa but stays the shape of a bean sprout(is this preparing me for his teenage years?), I have to find creative ways to stretch a meal while still filling them both up. And, oh yeah, making sure I actually get a plate of food every once in a while.

So, what I have learned to do is use these lovely cans of goodness to stretch my soups and stews. “Beef” them up and what have you. The easiest way is to just add a can of this to whatever meat you are throwing in the slow cooker for dinner. Then fill up the can with water and add that as well. Add your seasonings, turn it on low and you’ll end up with beautifully flavored gravy that you can use for that dinner and a few more dinners after that.

My favorite trick is adding it to any soup you make. I purposely don’t season my soup with any salt products while it is cooking. Then, about 15 minutes before its due to complete its cooking cycle, I add in a can of gravy. Since these gravies are laced with high sodium, I use that to my advantage and use it as the “salt” in my soups and stews. As a bonus, you get the extra seasonings like sage and thyme infused in your concoction. I add a proper amount of pepper, taste to see if any other seasoning is needed, and then let is simmer for about 10 to 15 more minutes.

Now, I do love these gravies. So much that I tried to trade for as many coupons as I could to stock up on them. We ran out in the middle of winter last year and I was devastated. Not this year! Check out what I’ve accumulated so far:

*sigh* I might have a problem. Ok, not yet but if I go back and get even more, then I might have a problem. *Ahem* they’re on sale again this week and I’m getting more tomorrow. So, tomorrow, I’ll admit I have a problem. I mean, it’s only 64 cans….give me a break! :o)

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 12.10.08
    Andrea said:

    I feel your obsession…I have 32 cans of cream of chicken soup…and I live alone!

  2. 12.10.08

    Wow, that is an awesome pic! I need to stockpile a bit more. the only thing I worry about is space. We don’t have much where we are now, and the condo is on the market so I don’t want too much clutter…but stock piling IS a convo starter at open houses. I open up the cabinets to show hamburger helper and knorr side dishes crammed to the gill…I also show my coupon binder if asked 🙂 When we do move, most of it will get donated b/c there is no room at DH’s parent’s house. Already, we have the spare room in the basement full of our boxes of stuff we moved out of our place. Maybe I can rent a storage place for the stockpiled stuff 🙂

  3. 12.10.08
    pubbler said:

    Holy cow! That sure is a lot. But I do the same thing. Its better to stock up when its on sale, than to run out & have to pay full price. Love the pic!

  4. 12.10.08
    Precious said:

    Good for you! I absolutely love gravy! But most of the time I put mine on crispy French Fries! There is nothing better in the world!

    Nice stockpile!

  5. 12.10.08
    Brandy said:

    Wow! I have a few cans in the cabinet but nothing close to this. Are you getting a good deal on them? Fill me in! [:

  6. 12.10.08
    Amiyrah said:


    Most of them were free :o). There was a great sale on them a few weeks back before thanksgiving. They were 3 for a 1.00. Used lots of .50/3 coupons doubled, and ta-da! Instant stockpile! Right now they are on sale 4 for 2.00, so I’m using up some .40/4 coupons I still have and getting them for .30 each. Not as great as free, but I’m only going to get 16 more lol!

    The sad thing is, this all will be gone by the time spring hits.

  7. 12.11.08

    Hmmm and my husband says I have a problem because I have 24 bags of chocolate chips, 20 cans of frosting, and 30 cake, brownie, and muffin mixes. Oh and we can not forget that at anytime we have about 20 boxes of cereal on hand….I guess I should show him your gravy stockpile 😉

    Seriously, that is awesome!