Meal Plan Monday!

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This should be a great cooking week! The pantry and fridge are full, and I’m making lemon pound cake this week! Yummy yum yum….I loves pound cake. Here’s what I’m making:

Monday: Mexican Lasagna(similar to this recipe, but using lasagna noodles this time)
Tuesday: Happy National Pancake Day! Pancakes with scrambled eggs and turkey kielbasa
Wednesday: Slow cooker beef roast with corn casserole and box car potatoes
Thursday: Shrimp scampi with side salad and raspberry vinaigrette.
Friday: Pizza pizza! Tomato and mushroom pizza, to be exact
Saturday: roast beef and noodles with carrot ribbons
Sunday: leftovers

Bread of the week: wheat sandwich rolls
Dessert of the week: Lemon pound cake with french vanilla ice cream(drool…)
Soup of the week: vegetable soup with potato dumplings(froze half of this recipe)

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 2.23.09
    Precious said:

    M! I am coming over on Friday night for mushroom and tomato pizza! DH hates mushrooms and I love them!

  2. 2.23.09
    Amiyrah said:


    I’m a mushroom lover too, and I push them on DH all the time lol. He’s learned to love them from living with me the last 5 years.

  3. 2.23.09
    Babykitty said:

    mmm, i wish i lived near you. i am at a frump in cooking. i am sick of the same ol same ol but so picky when it comes to food that i am afraid to experiment sometimes.

  4. 2.23.09

    This has nothing to do with your post. How was your anniversary in New York?

  5. 2.23.09
    Amiyrah said:


    i’m gonna post about it in a bit :o)

    It was fabulous…

  6. 2.23.09
    Alana @ springpad said:

    Mexican lasagna sounds delish! I wish they served that in the college dining hall 🙁 If you’re looking for a way to organize your weekly meal plans, you should totally check out springpad’s weekly meal planner- it’s a great tool for keeping organized!

  7. 2.24.09
    jrfan said:

    Thank you for your Monday Meal Plans! I was getting back into a slump,and have decided to implement your soup of the week so we will have some lunches ready and not be tempted by the golden arches when I am really busy. Keep up the inspiring work!

  8. 2.24.09

    I’m loving Friday nights dinner….so much so that I sort of borrowed your idea.
    Instead of being frustrated at the Lent season, I’m looking forward to rolling out some new recipes! I love that you remind me to experiment with new recipes. I needed to get out of my grilled cheese rut.

  9. 2.24.09
    Amiyrah said:


    there’s nothing wrong with grilled cheese lol. I miss grilled cheese….mmmm….cheese. :op Even though we aren’t Catholic, I love when Lent comes around. There are good deals on seafood and we get to have lots of it for cheap. I also get to try out new recipes(shrimp and grits coming soon!) and see which ones the family loves. Those get added into the rotation.

    CVS addict,

    so glad you are doing the soup of the week now! It really is a life-saver. I made ours yesterday, separated it into the little plastic containers that I got at the dollar store(you know, the ones that the chinese place gives you egg drop soup in), and was done with everyone’s lunch for the week!

  10. 2.24.09
    Lisa B. said:

    I’ll be there for shrimp scampi!