National Peanut Month!

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Well, guess what y’all? March is National Peanut Month! I knew there was some type of correlation between my love of peanuts, peanut butter and my birthday, but I would have never thought it was because national peanut month is in march. Well, hot diggity dog!

Keep a look out for great sales on peanut butter this month. When you come across coupons for your favorite brand, keep it close. It just may be very cheap at the stores soon enough.

Also, if you wanna kick this month off with a bang, make these cookies. I promise ya….you’re loved ones will treat you like the Queen of Sheba after they taste ’em.

Enjoy your peanuts, people!

Man, I wish I could find raw peanuts around here….I’ve got a craving for boiled peanuts now…

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 3.2.09

    You’re so funny ‘hot diggity dog’! I almost spit out my coffee!

  2. 3.2.09
    Jenny said:

    eww. why can’t they have almond month or cashew? they have to use one thing i can’t stand. 🙁

  3. 3.3.09
    Amiyrah said:


    cashew month would be heavenly too! I think they may use March as “nut month” in general, because CVS has a sale on all of their nuts most of the month.


  4. 3.3.09

    I just scored some free peanut butter 2 weeks ago – but, who couldn’t use more peanut butter?