At least in this house, it did! Hubby “surprised” my yesterday by buying me a new-to-me 2001 GMC Jimmy! I saw “surprised” because I actually was the one that found the car with a For Sale sign at a local auto body shop and nonchalantly told him about it last week. He had be looking for months for a new car for us. We were determined to not have any payments and get it for around $4500. With the recession, we were finding quite a few options.
Well, leave it to the wife who knows nothing about cars to find the perfect ones for our needs. I told Hubby that it “looked nice” and maybe he should go look at it. Little did I know, the next day he did look at it, test drove it, and put a down payment on it. Yesterday, he called me up(after being 2 hours late to get home) and told me that my new car was waiting for me. That little sneaky fox!
Ok, down to the frugal and financial aspects: the truck was purchased for $3900, $600 under the amount we were more than comfortable to pay for our next car. It has some mileage on it, but with the mileage, year of car and condition of it, it was supposed to be worth around $7500! So, all and all, we saved $3600 right off the bat, and still have the extra $600 in our car fund. When we asked the seller why it was priced so low, he admitted that he got it at an auction and knew the price of it on Kelley Blue Book. He purchased it for a very very low price and, because of the recession, wanted to sell it off immediately to make a quick profit. He does this all the time, he says. Well, I’ll be darned!
Also, because the truck is pretty safe, our insurance only went up 20 dollars. Talk about savings!
I see now that hounding is definitely a sixth sense for me. I literally stumbled upon this truck and ended up getting us a $7500 truck for 48% less. If only there was a coupon for cars….
Sounds like you got a good deal! Best part is paying cash! Doesn’t it feel good? CONGRATS!
Congrats! DH and I did the same thing this week, got his parent’s Camry to make up for the Mustang in bad weather…funny, hopefully no more snow, so no need for it…but now we can rest up his SUV for awhile now 🙂
Any pics yet?
awesome. We got a new to us car a couple of weeks ago. My mother gave us her 2003 Nissan Sentra when she got a new minivan. It is actually perfect for us.
Ah…no truck payment…I’m almost there, too! Funny how tight times can bring you good fortune sometimes. (Maybe it’s all that good karma coming back to visit you in the form of a truck!)
congratulations on a great find! hope it will run a long time without any issues.
That’s great! Don’t you love not having a car payment? And the best thing – you picked it out! Congrats!
That’s great! How sweet of your hubby to keep it a secret. Congrats on your new wheels. 🙂
That’s awesome!! I was going to get my newer car at an auction but every car I put the vin number into came back with so many issues I threw in the towel. Glad you found one that fits your needs and your pocket book!
thanks for all the well-wishes, ladies! You all are so sweet :o)