Thanks to Money Saving Mom for posting this awesome deal! It looks like it’s good until the end of July, but if we shopping “hounds” know anything, it’s that you should do a deal right away before the store’s inventory is all gone. So, get thee to a Rite Aid if you need diapers! This deal is good for regular diapers, pull ups, goodnights, and swimmers, so it’s a great opportunity for stockpiling.
Rebate #61, Buy 50.00 of Kimberly Clark, Bayer, Schick or Unilever products(includes huggies) get a 25.00 gift card
Rebate # 53: Get 2.00 when you by a Huggies Mega Pack
Rebate # 800: Get a pack of diapers free when you buy 5 participating items(mega packs and swimmers are included
If you purchase the right items, you can submit for all of these at the same time! Here’s one of the scenarios that caught my eye for the summer:
Transaction #1:
Buy 2 packs of Little Swimmers at $9.99 each
Buy 1 large Huggies wipes refill (184-ct) at $6.99
Subtotal: $26.97
Use $5/$25 Rite Aid Coupon
Use 2 $2/1 Little Swimmers coupons from the 4/19 or 5/17 SmartSource insert
Use $1/1 wipes coupon from the 4/19 SmartSource insert
Transaction #2 (same as above):
Buy 2 packs of Little Swimmers at $9.99 each
Buy 1 large Huggies wipes refill (184-ct) at $6.99
Subtotal: $26.97
Use $5/$25 Rite Aid Coupon
Use 2 $2/1 Little Swimmers coupons from the 4/19 or 5/17 SmartSource insert
Use $1/1 wipes coupon from the 4/19 SmartSource insert
Final out-of-pocket for both scenarios: $33.94 plus tax
Submit for Rebate #61 to get $25 Gift Card
Final Price after Rebate: $8.94 plus tax for 4 packages of swim diapers plus 2 large wipes refills
Need regular pull ups? Use this scenario:
*Pull-Ups Scenario*
Transaction #1:
Buy 1 mega pack of Pull-Ups at $19.99
Buy 1 large Huggies wipes refill (184-ct.) at $6.99
Subtotal: $26.98
Use $5/$25 Rite Aid Coupon
Use $3/1 Pull-Ups coupon here (or $2/1 from the 5/17 SmartSource insert)
Use $1/1 wipes coupon from the 4/19 SmartSource insert
Transaction #2 (same as above):
Buy 1 mega pack of Pull-Ups at $19.99
Buy 1 large Huggies wipes refill (184-ct.) at $6.99
Subtotal: $26.98
Use $5/$25 Rite Aid Coupon
Use $3/1 Pull-Ups coupon here (or $2/1 from the 5/17 SmartSource insert)
Use $1/1 wipes coupon from the 4/19 SmartSource insert
Final out-of-pocket for both scenarios: $35.96 plus tax
Submit for Rebate #61 to get $25 Gift Card and submit for Rite Aid Rebate #53 for $2
Final Price after Rebates: $8.96 plus tax for 2 mega packs of Pull-Ups and 2 wipes refills after rebates!
Wanna make this deal even better? Sign up for caregivers marketplace, and get back .75 for each pack of swimmers you purchase!
wow, this is GREAT! I have to stock up on diapers for a co-workers baby shower! $50 is before Qs, right? If so, I can probably make out well and get a $25 gift card for my troubles LOL. I wanted to do diapers, wipes and a J and J backet for her (2nd baby boy). Thanks for posting!
Caregivers only work on Jumbo packs, not Mega packs.
Abigail’s mommy,
I was refering to the swimmers. Actually, the pull ups aren’t even on the new caregiver’s sheet that they sent me. Regular diapers, swimmers, overnights, and goodnights are only included. Make sure to check your sheet.