Chocolate Banana Pie (Choco-Nana Pie)

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4 ingredient chocolate banana pie (or choco-nana pie)

What do you do when it’s your kid’s birthday, you don’t wanna turn on the oven and you wanna let him help with the making of his big day treat? You make Chocolate banana pie!

My sweet boy loves chocolate. I mean he LOVES chocolate. And bananas. He LOVES bananas too. So, when his birthday was coming and I had this horrible feeling of not wanting to make him a cake in a hot oven, I knew I had to come up with something. I searched around the kitchen and saw some hot chocolate packets and a few ripe bananas. The light bulb went off. And it exploded when we tasted it. Amazing and simple. Sonny decided to call it choco-nana pie, since chocolate banana pie is way to long for a toddler to say. This week, I let Sonny help mama again so we could take pictures for all of you folks. Let’s go through the steps:

Thinly Slice 2 bananas and have your little munchkin place them on the bottom of a graham cracker crust. For his birthday, I made a graham cracker crust, but you can easily use a store-bought one (like in the picture above). He’s doing such a good job, isn’t he?

It should look like this. *slurp* I love bananas.

Place 2 packets of hot chocolate mix (didn’t think you’d see this stuff until winter, huh?) in a large bowl and add a 3rd of your whipped topping. Let your kiddo stir like crazy until the powder is mixed into the topping. Then, place the rest of the topping in the bowl and gently fold into the chocolate mix until there are no more dark brown streaks. This is a job for mom or dad, so you do it. Place the whipped topping mix on top of the sliced bananas. But, once your done, let your tiny little energy ball have a taste of that spatula. They deserve it.

Garnish if you please. I placed some banana chips in the middle and some nestle crunch bits around the sides.

We did let this pie “rest” for about 4 hours…only because we had to have dinner and digest a bit.

When I made it again recently, I garnished it with drizzled melted chocolate. Slurp. Gulp. Yum.

4 ingredient chocolate banana pie (choco-nana pie)

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 7.16.09

    That looks delish – can I come live in your kitchen?

  2. 7.17.09
    Precious said:

    Would you come and cook my for my sister and I? That looks heavenly!

  3. 7.17.09
    slugmama said:

    That’s a great idea! I am a serious banana fan too. We’ll have to try this here….having chocolate dessert w/out running an oven in the summer? I’m all over that!LOL

    Happy Birthday to Sonny too!
    He’s a sweetie….

  4. 7.20.09
    Anonymous said:

    OK, 4 hats – I’m going to inundate you with comments. I really want Sheri’s Old Navy coupon. I don’t know how you have the energy to make all these heavenly looking things. I get tired just reading the recipes!

  5. 7.20.09
    Klock said:

    wow the Choc0-nana Pie seems really easy

  6. 7.20.09
    melissar said:

    4 hats – I made this paie this weekend and the kids want it again tonight.

  7. 7.20.09
    SherrieRM said:

    Sounds easy enough and delishous too. thanks!

  8. 7.20.09
    Lynned said:

    Deliciousness. DH would dig into that.

  9. 7.21.09
    Rachel said:

    Oh that looks so good. I wonder if chocolate pudding mix would work, I don’t have hot chocolate on hand.

  10. 7.23.09

    Wow, that does look good! Emily loves bananas and chocolate too, and I’m sure she would really enjoy making this… can’t wait to give it a try! Thanks!!