Christmas In July- Buying all year

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This is most definitely not a ground breaking idea, but if you pay attention to store and online sales all year, you can create a great head start to your holiday shopping. Paying attention to liquidation sales, clearance sales, and stores who constantly give out coupons for their patrons will put you one step ahead.

I find that online deals seem to be the best option for “stockpiling” holiday gifts. With the many codes out there for free shipping and percentages off at certain sites, we can easily come out ahead. If you are able to turn this into a year-round routine, by Autumn you will be swimming in various options for the holidays and may even be able to increase your gift list.

One of my favorite blog sites to view for all year deals is Swaggrabber. Sheri constantly posts wonderful deals for 70, 80 or even 90% off items at various sites. One of my favorite sites that she posts deals for is One, because they offer such a great variety of items that when they have clearance sales, you’re able to choose from a plethora of goodies. And two, because I can combine the gift cards that I get with my swagbucks, with the clearance sales and get lots of gifts for next to nothing.
Sheri usually has 2 or more great deals a week, so you can easily dedicate a month or so to stocking up on gifts and end up spending next to nothing.

Now, if you plan on buying anything online, you should make sure that you check sites like ebates or cashbaq to see if they offer a percentage back for your purchases. Here’s the way these sites work: if you plan on buying from an online store, you check their list of vendors. If that store is on their list, they will give you a percentage back on whatever you purchase at that site. You will have to connect to the site through ebates or cashbaq(they will have a link for you to click so you get credit for your purchases), but thats a small price to pay for getting money back.

Planning on traveling during the summer or for the holidays? Cashbaq and Ebates also give you money back for booking a room at your favorite hotel. Last holiday season, we ended up getting back 100 dollars from ebates for our hotel reservations for thanksgiving and Christmas AND for the last few gifts I ordered online. Not bad for money we weren’t expecting to get back.

Hopefully everyone learned one or two things from this quick series. Do you use ebates or cashbaq? Have you tried any of the deals posted on swaggrabber? What was your experience?

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 7.10.09
    Frances said:

    Buying all year is a great idea and it isn’t as much of a budget buster when you buy a little at a time instead of doing it all in December.

    Loving the Christmas in July posts!

  2. 7.11.09

    I have always bought all year. It’s the best way to take advantage of clearance sales and special discounts as you find them. I also buy gifts when I am on vacation – that way I can get something unique that can’t be found locally.