This is a sticky post and will be at the top of the blog all day. To see the new posts for today, scroll down.
As I sit here at 8:30pm in my bed, watching ABC news, I can’t help but feel so helpless today. The outrageous visuals of Haiti’s aftermath makes me upset, angry and willing to do anything I can to be a blessing. Thanks to Crystal over at Money Saving Mom, bloggers out there can ban together, at least for one day, and provide relief in some way.
Starting today. January 15th and continuing until January 21st, for every blogger that links to my blog using the Mr. Linky below, I will donate 1.00 to UNICEF, a charity that I hold dear to my heart because of the constant work they do for children in need around the world.
What should you link? Well, put up a post on your blog sending love, prayers or well-wishes to those in Haiti right now. Or, share with your readers how this whole ordeal is effecting you and your family, and how it’s changing your view on life. OR, just encourage others to provide relief in their own way. Provide a link to my blog in your post, and then come back and leave the link to that post on my Mr. Linky. Easy!
If you don’t have a blog, no worries. You can leave a comment in my comments section, and for every comment, I will donate .10 to Food for the Hungry, another charity that I hold dear.
The best part about being frugal and realizing the importance of saving is that when an opportunity to be a blessing comes up, you can jump to help. So, let’s see how much of my “rainy day funds” you all can send off to Haiti!
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! As soon as I get my teens “off and running” to school, I am coming back here and participating. I already blogged about Haiti, and I want to add my link.
How terrific of you to do this!
God Bless….
Hey dhunny! What a great way for bloggers to unite. I don’t have a blog, but I will participate however I can. I made our donation last night through Samaritan’s Purse, they have been in Haiti since Wednesday helping set up water purification stations, medical stations, and food stations. I hope y’all get a good response to your Haiti outreach.
Amazing way to unite bloggers – and for a great cause!
We donated to the US fund for UNICEF and also to a local (Kentucky)-based charity called Ten Kids whose goal is to provide a safe home, education, etc. to Ten Kids I like the idea of giving to an organization meeting general needs of the people of Haiti and to one meeting the needs of specific children. We are so blessed–I can’t imagine the losses of the Haitian people.
Thanks for all you’re doing!!
We donated to the American Red Cross this morning. Thanks for using your blog to help convince people to donate.
No blog to link to, but thanks for doing this.
Our family donated to Red Cross today and I made a post on FB to encourage my friends to donate.
Thanks for your contribution to this great cause!
Thank you for all you are doing. I made a small contribution through the Red Cross website and am challenging my facebook friends to match it. Together we can make a difference.
We donated through Compassion.
Thank you for what you are doing.
I love being able to come together with my fellow bloggers and DO something. Thank you!!
Our family is planning to give. Our church ususally takes up an offering for disasters like this, so we plan to give through our church. They give the money to a missionary or organization they trust to help distribute the money. If our church doesn’t take up an offering, we plan to donate the money through Compassion Int. Thank you for your generous heart.
Thank you for donating!
Thank you for your generosity! You are making a difference!
This is an absolutely incredible effort!!!
We plan on donating through Red Cross, thank you for all that you are doing.
Our family is sending up prayers to the One who can do the most!!
Our church also took and sent contributions in.
My heart breaks especially for the little ones affected. We truly are blessed and I am thankful that we are able to bless others in return!
I am donating to my churchs humanitarian aid and posting comments on all the bloggs that are willing to help.
Donating and spreading the word! Thanks for doing this!
Woohooooo!! This is great!!
Thanks!! We donated to Samaritan’s Purse
Thanks for helping the people of Haiti!
(I have donated to the American Red Cross and to Compassion International.)
Thanks for making a donation on your reader’s behalf!
I donated all my swagbucks for the cause, posted about this drive on Facebook, and plan to donate money, though still deciding which organization to donate through. Thanks for doing this.
I was able to donate my swagbucks and am also commenting on blogs to help raise money for Haiti!
We can’t help financially–DH is unemployed at the moment–but we are praying and I donated my swagbucks. Thanks for giving me another opportunity to help!!!
thanks for all your hard work and help
Consider me commented!
Due to our financial situation, I am visiting as many blogs as possible and commenting to help raise donations. Bless you for not only helping but providing a way for everyone to help too!
We gave to Red Cross via txt and YeleHaiti via txt. Thanks for your efforts!
Thank you for your generosity — I love that I can spend a little time commenting on blogs and feel that I have contributed.
I volunteer with Haiti Outreach in Pignon, Haiti. Thank you for helping the Haitian people!
Thank you so much for your generous heart.
thank you and God bless you!
It is nice to now that people are very helpful and everyone is united to help the victims of the tragedy.
Haiti is in our prayers.
We are praying for the people of Haiti.
thanks for making comment-fueled donations! I donated via text & am commenting on blogs to increase the donation potential. 🙂
I gave to Oxfam and Episcopal Relief and Development.
people amaze me. thank you for giving us one more way we can help
Thanks for this opportunity to help Haiti in whatever way we can. You are fabulous 🙂
thank you for doing this. i gave $25 to doctors without borders, but seeing the generosity of all the bloggers out there makes me think i haven’t donated enough.
I decided to donate to ‘Doctors without Borders.’ Thanks for all you are doing!!
I’m giving to the Red Cross and the LDS Church. Thanks for doing this!
I have felt helpless as I scan the news. I’m thankful for people, such as yourself, who are responding so generously. Thank you.
I’m giving $10 eCOUPONs to my online gift store Gifts For One Gifts For All ( to those that have donated to organizations helping the Haitian earthquake victims. When the eCOUPON is redeemed, 10% of the purchase will also be donated to organizations helping Haiti. Read my blog for more details at http:/
I donated to the Red Cross, and I’m going to clean out my pantry of non-perishables to take to the local drop-off center!
We donated to Chances for Children, a ministry that runs an orphanage outside Port au Prince:
A family from our homeschool group recently adopted two precious children from there. Bless you for all you are doing to help.
Thank you for doing this! I donated to Heartline Ministries – Americans running an orphanage and clinic in Haiti – at
I am commenting in honor of Corey and her family at Watching the Waters.
We gave through CrossWorld International and are praying.
I donated through my company (they match) and am going to get things from my stockpile to take to the local drop-off center too!
What a wonderful thing you are doing. I pray for all of those in Haiti.
thanks for doing this! i linked up above, but my dad wanted me to post a comment on his behalf letting you know he donated as well!
I am donating also. Thank you for doing this.
I’ve been praying ever since I learned what happened in Haiti, but wasn’t sure how to contribute.
Now I’m ready to move on an idea had a while back. I’ve been saving all our family’s nut cans for ages. Now I have a huge box of them. I’m going to print up some labels for them saying ” We CAN Help Haiti and CHANGE the outcome!” Then my children and I will give them out to everyone we know,( keeping a list for weekly pick up).
In this economy, lots of people don’t feel they can afford to help much financially, but nearly all of us have coins that weigh down our purses and pockets, that could be doing some good for people in much more difficult circumstances than we are in, here in the U.S.
There’s never been a better moment to Love Thy Neighbor!
Well, here’s a quote that’s dear to my heart: “Where there is great love, there is always miracles.” -Willa Cather
And there was a miracle in Haiti today! CNN’s Anderson Cooper reported that a 5-year old boy–underneath rubble in a house where others died–was found alive. He’s severely dehydrated, but has no broken bones and is expected to live. The little guy had been found by his uncle, and had been lost since the earthquake eight days before.
So happy news from what must be the saddest place on earth. I love this story!