I decided that it would be great if I was able to give you all a sneak peek of what good deals will be going the next week before I even post the long list of match ups. The main reason is to give you an extra day or two to order coupons from clipping sites or trade with friends if an item that you love will be free or really cheap after coupon. Also, I’d like to alert you to any great rock bottom deals, so you can know that if you wait a few days for those items, you can get them at an awesome price. Sound good? Well, let’s see what’s in store for next week:
Oikos greek yogurt- 1.00
use the 1.00/1 coupon from 1/3SS- FREE
Select post cereals- 1.00
use the 4.00/4 SR store coupon from the holiday savings book- 4 boxes FREE
NEW! I got a print out of an upcoming catalina deal for post cereal. If you wait until friday to do this deal, it will work out like this:
Buy 4 boxes- 4.00
use the 4.00/4 SR coupon
Pay 0.00 and get back a 3.00 catalina! 3.00MM!
Coffee mate creamer- 1.24(again!)
use the .75/1 coupon from 2/7RP doubled- FREE
Solo paper plates(again!)- 1.39
use .75/1 coupon from 1/24SS doubled- FREE
Krustaez pancake mix- 2 for 3.00(must buy 2)
use the .50/1 coupon from 12/6SS doubled- .50
Dollar days are back next week! And here’s a deal I thought up earlier today and posted on Hot Coupon World:
Buy 3 ragu- 4.00
Buy 4 wish bone(16oz)- 8.00
Use 3 .30/1 ragu coupons(1/31RP) doubled- 1.80 off
Use 4 .75/1 printable wish bone coupon doubled(use 2 comps)- 6.00 off
Pay 4.20 and get back 3.00 catalina- .17 an item!
Don’t know where to buy coupons? Ebay is always a good place to find them or you can try these coupon clipping services:
the coupon clippers
coupons and things by dede
the coupon clipping crew
Thanks for the heads up on the Post Catalina!
No problem! Thats going to be a fun deal lol
Do you have the exact details of the Cat deal to share…pretty please!
Its on HCW, Noelle. I put it in the catalina thread that Neglectarino created. You spend time over there, don’t you? I thought you did.
Thanks, again! I’m not a “regular” over there, but I do stop by occassionally! 🙂
Do you know if the holiday saving book is still avaliable?