Open your big, frugal mouth

Sharing is caring!

As you are reading this, I am on my way to the southern part of the state to pick up a brand new, FREE, nursery set.  No, it wasn’t a lucky find on craigslist, or even freecycle, but something that we were blessed with because I opened my big, frugal mouth.

When we found out that we were pregnant and that the first trimester was almost behind us, I made a point of telling as many friends and family about our new blessing.  Besides the fact that we were excited, I wanted to “put the vibe out” that any and all deals when it came to baby were welcomed. Whether is was told to us through phone calls, e-mail, or through other family members, all was appreciated. I even made sure to spread the word with my non-frugal friends. Since hubby and I are in our twenties, so are most of our friends. Out of those “20-somethings” there may be only a few that appreciate saving, frugality and stretching a buck. I knew it was a long-shot asking them to keep an eye out, but it was worth a shot.

In comes our dear friend Andy. Andy is actually a friend of mine from my base, but once he and hubby met, they hit it off too. My military buddy has an eagle-eye for deals, as long as they pertain to his interests and the interests of his friends. On Monday, he happened to check our base e-mail and found out that there is a yearly baby furniture gala going on Thursday. At this gala, they give brand new nursery sets(crib, changing table and crib sheets) or children’s bedroom sets to qualifying military members. For Free. He immediately forwarded the e-mail to me AND sent me a text message telling me to jump on this. There were limited amounts to give away, so I needed to register ASAP. Of course, like the busy bee I am, I took care of it and got my confirmation. My free nursery set will be waiting for me tomorrow morning. Ka…..Ching.

I write all this to say, we have to remember to continue opening our big, frugal mouths. All of my friends and family members know that I love to work deals, build on my stockpile, and grow my family on a minimal budget. But, every once in a while, you have to remind them again.  It’s also wise to not rule out those that you know really aren’t frugal. Because they aren’t doesn’t mean that one day, they may save you hundreds of dollars on something you desperately need.

Do you all have something you need to spend on soon, but are dying to find a deal on? Have you spread the word to family and friends?

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 3.18.10
    Joy said:

    i heard you talking about this the other day on SG this is so awesome. i can’t wait to see the girly nursery.

  2. 3.18.10
    kc said:

    Awesome news! Now you should splurge a little extra on yourself the Mama to be and Birthday Girl!! 🙂

  3. 3.18.10

    This is a great reminder. I only make one phone call when I’m looking for something and that is to my MIL. She is a super deal finder. But other than that my family thinks I am weird for trying to save money.. so I just keep all the good stuff to myself 🙂

  4. 3.18.10
    Alex M said:

    Good for you! What you did was smart. I know I’m at a risk of offending your readers, but I think what you did was “right.” What’s wrong, IMO, is having shower each time you get pregnant and using friends and relatives to get what you want for your baby.

    The only exception for the second shower, was one I helped host for a lady who had an “oops” about fifteen years between kids. The family was totally unprepared and in a tight situation.

  5. 3.18.10

    Amazing, what a hound!

  6. 3.18.10
    JennysMom said:

    I love how frugal you are, Amiyrah! A free nursery set? Couldn’t happen to a nicer lady. *Chuckle* Just my two cents, but I also think you have a lifetime of (good) karma comin’ your way…

    Be sure to put a picture here on 4Hats when you get the baby nursery all done. Me? I can’t wait to see it…

  7. 3.18.10
    JennysMom said:

    And oh yeah, note to 4Hats and Frugal fans, it’s Amiyrah’s birthday today!

  8. 3.18.10
    Amber L. said:

    My one friend needed a baby camera to keep an eye on her toddler while he napped at the older kiddos played outside with her. She was gonna buy new but I put a word out on Facebook for her instead. She had a gently used one coming her way within the hour! Why buy new when used from friend (for free!) will do??!! 🙂 Glad to hear about your great find, you are such a nice lady who deserves the good karma!

  9. 3.18.10

    That is awesome! A nursery set has to be one of the biggest expenses…you really scored on this one!

  10. 3.19.10
    Amiyrah said:

    Thanks you all for responding, and to those that sent bday well-wishes!


    This is why I love ya lol. I actually kind of disagree with you on that one. I think it depends on the circumstances. Actually,(you know me) I’m putting together a post about this and how it each circumstance pans out. Also, how you can do “sprinkles” instead of showers and keep it frugal.

  11. 3.19.10
    Anonymous said:

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear 4Hats, Happy Birthday to you!!!

  12. 3.19.10

    Wow that is awesome! We have gotten some pretty cool things for free for being a military family but that definitely tops all of ours lol. Congrats. And happy birthday too 🙂

  13. 3.19.10
    Mrs G said:

    I’m so behind on my reading! Happy Belated Birthday!!! What an amazing find! Congrats! Definitely worth the drive in my opinion! You are such a frugalista! And thanks for the reminder to put feelers out to others who aren’t necessarily deal hounds….always a great thing to remember!