Warning: major baby cuteness ahead(view at your own risk)

Sharing is caring!

OK, since I’ve been getting oodles of e-mails asking to see pictures of the Duchess, I decided to dedicate a whole post to an visual update for you all. I have a love/hate relationship with posts like these because I do love to see posts of cute little babies but I don’t like seeing them on blogs every week. And yes, some bloggers do go overboard with the “new baby updates” when they have birth. How they have time to do so many updates with a new baby is beyond me, but I digress.

So, here’s a taste of baby for you, with a little video at the end of big bro and sister bonding over a bottle. For those that can do without these posts, don’t worry, I promise not to go baby crazy on here. Enjoy!

Here’s the video….notice how he changes the subject to “Yo gabba gabba” once he gets bored. You gotta love this kid….

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 8.19.10
    Diane said:

    Oh – how beautiful! And you look great too. Much happiness to you and you family with the new arrival.

  2. 8.19.10
    Sheri said:

    Oh my you were right – too much cuteness for one morning! Awww she is adorable! Congratulations – glad to see you all doing well!

  3. 8.19.10
    Joy said:

    Aww I can take it everyone needs a good dose of cuteness in the morning!

  4. 8.19.10
    Kris said:

    Oh, man. They’re all great, but the fourth and fifth photos are to die for. Adorable, Amiyrah!

  5. 8.19.10

    She is just tooooo adorable for words….she looks like such a happy baby!!!!!

  6. 8.19.10
    Precious said:

    She is adorable and I just loved the video of the two of them!

  7. 8.19.10
    Alex M said:

    I’m not a baby person but even I can tell she’s cute (so’ the little guy!)…

  8. 8.20.10
    JennysMom said:

    Nearly speechless how cute the pictures and video are! In this crazy world, it’s wonderful to see such sweetness and caring. Family…there’s nothing like it!

  9. 8.20.10
    Anonymous said:

    that is adorable. I have followed your blog for i while and i think that you make an effort not to post your children’s names, so i just thought that i should let you know that you’re sons name shows up in the videos title.


  10. 8.20.10
    Kathy said:

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  11. 8.21.10
    Amiyrah said:

    Thanks Julie! I knew it was up there…I don’t mind posting their names, but I just love to use the nicknames more lol.

  12. 8.21.10
    Margaret said:

    She is precious!! Congratulations!

  13. 8.25.10
    Becki D said:

    Oh my goodness her little smile is just too much!! She’s precious! Congratulations. 🙂