For most of my life, I’ve been a night owl. I’m just more productive at night. Anytime after 9pm, I am ready to go take over the world. Because of this fact, the whole 21st year of my life is something that exhausts me to think about now. I think I went out every weekend of that year…to more than one place. Ah, to be young again. Anyway, it’s because of this reason that I don’t mind staying up with the baby nowadays, and why most of my posts for this blog are typed up after the sun goes down.
With all that said, I’ve always noticed that although I’m productive at night, the world works around the sun. And, unfortunately for me, my family all seems to work around it too. Even the duchess is now showing that she would rather rise early with Dad and Big Bro, than sleep in with me. So, what to do? Well, thanks to my training in the military(waking up at 4:30am for 6 months and only getting a few hours of sleep the nights before), I can get up with the rest of the bunch. I CAN. But, I still don’t like to. What I’ve been doing lately is getting as much done at night for the following day, so when I’m stumbling in the morning, I have everything laid out, ready to go. For example, I’ve been placing Sonny’s cereal and milk in the fridge so it’s ready to go in the morning for him and I get an extra 15 minutes of sleep. I place the cereal in his bowl and his serving of milk in a travel coffee mug I got at the dollar store. When he gets up, he takes a spoon from the drawer, takes his bowl and cup out of the fridge, and chows down. I’ve actually been doing this since my first trimester because I needed sleep and nausea often kept me in the bathroom most mornings. I’m just saying…..
How about you all? Are you night owls or early birds? How about your family members? Does it effect the flow in your households?
I’m definitely a night owl, and so is my bf… I graduated from college last year, and I had a rough transition into the “real world.” I had to go from staying up til 3am to going to bed by 11 and waking up at 7… urgh.
I try to pack my lunch/breakfast the night before to save time in the morning. If I’m feeling extra ambitious, I also pick out my clothes the night before.
I am an early bird. I can bound out of bed and start throwing in laundry, etc. However, when I come from work I do not want to do anything!
I’m an early bird, but DH and DS are night owls so they get mad at me when I make too much noise at 5 am!
I am SOOOOO Not an early bird, but my oldest daughter, who is only 10 BTW, has to get up at 6 am to catch her bus. I get her up, pretty much half asleep, and get her in the shower. The rest of the morning runs pretty smoothly, but by 8 am as I send the last kiddo off to school, I’m ready to go back to bed! Sometimes if I feel rested enough I’ll start on my daily chores, but then I find I’m done with them too early in the day and then I’m BORED. LOL
Hahaha Its rough.
I am definitely a night owl. I like to sleep in mornings but it doesn’t always work out!
100% Nightowl! *Chuckle* Remember the race to 1000?
I’m and early bird. I’m most energetic in the morning and feel like I can get lots done. After work I just want to crawl in bed. I often fall asleep with my son while reading bedtime stories.
I’d always been a night owl but have been on day shift for the past 4 years. So now even on my days off I’m in bed before midnight and up by 8. Gone are the days I slept till noon 🙁