Frugal magazine tips

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I decided that with all the wonderful, FREE, subscriptions I get to great magazines, I should share the best frugal tips and blurbs from them. Also, this will give me a place to reference back for my favorite tips without keeping loads of magazine pages on file somewhere. Every month I’ll do this rundown, and hopefully you all can learn something too! 

From Parents Magazine:

9 ways to improve you memory–
1. eat brain food
2. Chat with a friend
3. Study another language
4. Study anything that interests you(take an online class)
5. Minimize your multi-tasking( it effects your memory power)
6. Go crazy with the carbs! They can help boost your memory.
7. Get a work out in as much as you can
8. Keep up that iron intake
9. Play video games! They make your brain more agile and better able to problem solve.

From All You Magazine

Fact: The average couponer can save $1,000 each year by clipping offers for just 20 minutes a week!

For chocolate lovers: Join the rewards club at and get a free piece of chocolate every month!

Eliminate odors in the fridge by placing a bowl of new or used coffee grounds on a shelf. Remember to change the bowl every month or two.

Get baked on foods off of pots and pans by placing a dryer sheet in the bottom and filling with water. Let it sit overnight, and the food will wipe right off in the morning.

Get small pieces of broken glass off of the floor by pressing a piece of bread over them.

Out of floor cleaner? Use listerine! It only works on vinyl and tile.

After cleaning your sink or shower, go over it with baby oil. If you do this once or twice a month, it will help the dirty water bead up quicker and go down the drain faster.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 10.20.10

    great idea I often blog about what I find online and in magazines at home and they often get compliments thanking me for sharing

  2. 10.20.10
    Precious said:

    Thanks Amiyrah,

    I really need to work on #5!

  3. 10.22.10
    Chitra said:

    I was multitasking and I forgot that I had potatoes and cauliflower steaming on the stove. The water evaporated and they got stuck to the pan, but I caught it just in time to salvage dinner.

    I then tried the baked off thing with a used purex sheet and it worked like a charm. Thank you.
