Meal Plan Monday!

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Monday: Chicken Parmasan with pasta and side salad
Tuesday: Sliced turkey and gravy with mashed potatoes and sweet peas
Wednesday: Hamburgers with onion strings and carrots
Thursday: Breakfast for dinner: pancakes, scrambled eggs, turkey sausage and home fries
Friday: Homemade pizza
Saturday: Leftovers night
Sunday: Halloween! Off to my parents’ house for some trick or treating and a kid-friendly meal(hot dogs?)

Dessert of the week: Chocolate chip cookies

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 10.26.10
    slugmama said:

    LOL I have to laugh because when my kids were young like your son’s age I could NEVER get them to eat dinner on Halloween no matter WHAT I served!
    Ok, maybe if I had served Hershey bars they would have eaten…lol