Easy beer bread

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I’ve had beer bread a few times in my life and I thought it was pretty yummy. Not as great as a dinner roll, but it was tasty. Especially with a bowl of “cream of anything” soup.  When I decided to venture into making my own version of it, I had to really think for a bit about how this recipe should turn out. I even tried to look up some recipes but the variations and frustration of them(why use yeast in a beer bread?! the beer has yeast already!) made me just scratch looking for help and figure it out myself. Baking is all about formulas, so once I realized that I already knew the formula for no-knead and regular breads, I breezed through this recipe. Here is MY VERSION of beer bread: not too sweet, crunchy, and uses the beer just like it’s supposed to be used.

Easy beer bread

3 cups sifted flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/4 sugar
2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
1 can or bottle of beer*
1 teaspoon garlic powder
a pinch of dried basil
a pinch of dried thyme

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

In a large bowl, mix together the flour, basil, thyme, garlic powder and baking powder. Then, add in the sugar and beer and stir until the whole mixture is wet.
Place in greased(or lined) muffin tins, about 3/4ths full.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Pull out of the oven, baste each muffin with the melted butter, and place back in the oven for another 3 minutes.
* you can use any type of beer you want, except a dark lager. Save those for cupcakes :o)
* I made these in a muffin tin just to speed up the process, but you can make it in a loaf pan. Just lightly grease the pan and bake it for 50 minutes. Baste it with the melted butter and put back in for 3 minutes.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 1.13.11
    lesthook said:

    Looks good! I think I’ll try it.

  2. 1.13.11
    Alex M said:

    I am sooo making this. We have a few old cans of beer that I’ve kept on hand for baking. In fact, I’d be baking this now if I didn’t already have a pie in the oven!

  3. 1.14.11
    Tiffany said:

    That sounds yummy!! My beer bread recipe is 1 can/bottle of beer, 3 cups self rising flour, 1-3 tbsp of sugar (depending on how sweet I want it) and whatever spices might go with dinner. It always turns out great but I never thought to try it in muffin tins. Thanks for the suggestion.