Meal Plan Monday

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Monday: Grilled Cheese paninis with tomato and corn soup
Tuesday: Chicken and rice enchiladas with side salad
Wednesday: Crockpot cream cheese fish with brown rice and spinach
Thursday: BBQ london broil with macaroni and cheese and broccoli
Friday: Pizza night!
Saturday: Breakfast for dinner- whole wheat pancakes, strawberry syrup, sausage, eggs and fruit
Sunday: Happy Memorial Day weekend! Grilling out at my parents’ house

Dessert: Banana nutella quesadillas(my mouth is watering)

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 5.24.11
    Marisa said:

    Nutella quesadilla?! Yum!!!
    I may need to steal some of your menu items 😉

  2. 5.24.11

    Your little one is getting so big. Wow that went fast.