Rubber Duckie

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Rubber Duckie. One of the most simple toys in a child’s life. Fun the bath, and cute to look at. It can bring a smile to anyone’s face, especially a toddler.

She can’t get enough of this one. Maybe it’s because they’re kindred spirits. It’s a duck unlike any other; purple instead of yellow, sprouting butterfly wings, rocking a tiara and sporting a fairy wand with a spectacular star on top of it. This is now ordinary duck and she’s no ordinary child.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m raising her right. By the standards of some other Moms with toddler girls, she seems like a handful. She has opinions already, whether it’s what we should play, what she should wear, or what we should have for lunch. At almost 22 months, she’s her own person. She’s our Diva. She’s our Duchess. We love her this way.

She’s a champion at smiles and just like her duckie, we can’t help but produce one when we see her. As strong as she is, she’s just as sweet. She’s our perfect girl and she’s different from the rest.

As she grows older and establishes who she is in the world, I’ll always remember the duck. How unique it was, how grand it must look and how much she loved it. And how much I love her.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 5.16.12

    What a cute post!

  2. 5.16.12
    BNM said:

    you’re doing a great job.. I can tell by that smile on her beautiful face. Motherhood isn’t cookie cutter, what works for some doesnt work for others. Let her be who she is and thats the best thing you can do for her. Dont worry about what anyone says or books or tv or anything look at your beautiful daughter and the happiness that just radiates around her (i dont know yall but just looking at her picture makes me think she has an awesome happy personality.) Hugs mama you’re doing it right!

  3. 5.16.12

    She’s adorable! My kids too, have always seemed to do things their own special ways. They’re great kids, and I’m sure your little princess will be just the same.

  4. 5.16.12
    Kristin said:

    She is a sweet little duckie – both of them! 🙂 I’m so glad you’re back home to enjoy her.

  5. 5.16.12
    angela said:

    You’ll have to always keep it, as a reminder of this time where she’s figuring out how to be just her. (And my girl was pretty similar with her staunch opinions from such a young age. I am still shocked that I can dress my 2 year old son in whatever I want, because my daughter was so different!!)

  6. 5.16.12
    Tricia said:

    Beautiful! Her confidence and diva-ness is all a tribute to you and how well you are raising her.

  7. 5.16.12
    Carolyn said:

    I enjoyed this post. I was also amazed at how young my daughter had opinions! Crazy!

  8. 5.16.12
    Shell said:

    What a cutie!

  9. 5.16.12
    Tami G said:

    I love little diva girls!!! It’s good to raise them strong and encourage them to be strong and have their own personality… it keeps us girls tough and keeps us from being run over!
    She looks VERY happy which means you are doing JUST RIGHT 🙂

  10. 5.17.12
    MamaCole said:

    Oh, I have one of those. She’s ten and opinionated and unique and hilarious. You know what else? She has a huge heart and a huge chunk of mine. Now, this might be a pot and kettle kind of thing but I’d say you are raising her just exactly right!!!

  11. 5.17.12

    She’s darling! You have every reason to be such a proud mama 🙂

  12. 5.17.12

    Her spirit is just shining through in your picture. We are given such a gift as moms to be able to witness these little spitfires making their way in the world. Seeing her smile makes me think of my own spirited girls– they are each so unique. Thanks for stopping by from PYHO!

  13. 5.17.12

    So very sweet!