One great thing about the military is that you issued vast amounts of clothing. And I mean vast. It’s also something that is hard to deal with, especially if there is a change in uniform while you are under contract. I can’t tell you how many extra outfits I have sitting in my closet because our uniform was changed from BDUs to ABUs. I finally decided that I was going to do something different with what I had. I was going to make my fatigues fashionable.
If you were at Type A Parent Conference, you probably saw me in my new “fatigue jacket.” I’d gotten sick of seeing my BDU blouse tops sitting on the shelf in my closet, and knew I had to do something with them. Because they have my rank and my name on them, I didn’t feel comfortable sending them off to the shelter or Goodwill. Then I remembered: these are made for you to wear over lighter items, like your issued t-shirts. Why not use it as a jacket?
Paired with a cute maxi skirt and some wedges, it made a great addition to this spring outfit. I was so impressed with it, that I asked my Husband to take these pictures and I immediately put them up on Instagram. After that day, I knew I’d be wearing this jacket to Charlotte for the conference.
I added a few more trinkets to the front, and strategically placed my “#typecon rookie” button right over my name tape. A bonus? It kept me warm in those cold conference rooms!
My new goal is to find uses for the other issued items in my closet. Except my old BDU hat. Because, hats don’t need to be upgraded. They are fabulous right on their own.
Are we following each other on Instagram? User name: 4hatsandfrugal