I have a confession to make: I’m a little crazy about cutting boards. Now, that doesn’t mean that I have a whole bunch; actually, I only have 5. It means that I am beyond picky about which boards I use. I have 2 plastic boards and a trio of wooden boards that I bought in a pack. It may shock you that it took me quite some time to purchase those. I went back and forth to the home design store for almost a month deciding on boards. It was that serious.
One of my biggest issues with cutting boards is that when I slice my lovely roasts, chicken breasts or what have you, the dang juices run from me! Do you know how much loveliness are in those juices? I especially like to turn that nectar into an au jus to add to veggies or *gasp* mashed taters. I tried placing my board in a casserole tray and cutting, in order to save the juices as it were, but as you may have guessed, that didn’t turn out well. So, imagine how giddy I became when I found out about .
What’s the FLOW, you ask? It’s this new cutting board in production that has a small “drip plate” where your juices can gather, and not mess up your countertop.
Check out the FLOW’s and if you are as excited as I am about the possibility of owning one of these beautiful contraptions, put up a pledge. Wouldn’t it be cool to walk into a Bed Bath and Beyond, see a big display of multi-color FLOW cutting boards, and think “hey! I pledged to make that happen!”
The fundraising for their kickstarter project ends October 14th, so let’s get to pledging!
This is a sponsored post on behalf of the FLOW and their Kickstarter project.