A Week In My Life: Monday

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Monday is quickly becoming my favorite day of the week. Why? Because it’s Thrift Store day! The Duchess and I try to hit up a few thrift stores to see what’s new. Sometimes we get some great deals, sometimes not, but today gave us some great scores.

We stopped off at our favorite kids re-sale store, Kid to Kid. I’ve blogged and vlogged about this store time and again, and it still doesn’t disappoint. We went in to get a few “No Thank Yous”(items that I dropped off to re-sale and they couldn’t take for some reason or another) and we ended up finding a pair of jeans for Sonny, a new book and a Dora backpack for the Duchess. I still didn’t have to pay a cent because I had store credit. I love getting free stuff!

Next up was the Salvation Army Family Store that was right up the road from Kid to Kid. We actually never visited this store, and I have no idea why. As soon as we walked it, that infamous Salvation Army smell hit me. You know, the one that smells like moth balls and success? Yup, that one. I just knew there were some treasures in here. After a bit of digging I found two lovelies:

There were name brands like a mutha up in this place! I was so dizzy with excitement that I didn’t know what to do with myself. Since the Brooks Brothers sweater was way too big for me, and too small for the husband, I passed on it. I’m still kicking myself for doing so…it could have gone for a few dollars on eBay. I did end up getting a few more sweaters and found a really cool one for the Husband for only 4 bucks. I got 5 sweaters/shirts for only 16 bucks. I would have stayed in there for days but someone wasn’t a happy camper:

She was tired and hungry, so I was fighting a losing battle. Even with her whining, crying and (clasp your pearls) screaming in the store, everyone commented on how cute she was. It reminded me that my kids are going to get away with murder when they grow up, and that I need to have enough dough in the bank for the lawyer’s retainer fee. It’s all about preparedness, ya know?

On the way back home for lunch, she passed out on me. Some shopping partner she is. I got her home, fed her, and put her down for a nap. I still had the afternoon to get some work done online. That is until I got a visit from my kitty boy.

See the stare he’s giving my computer? See the paw laid nicely on top of my dominant hand? Yeah, he wasn’t having any of this working nonsense. It was his time with Mom and he knew it. So, I closed the laptop and snuggled with him on the bed until he got tired of me and ran away. Out of all my kids, he’s the best snuggler. 

We finished the day with a trip to Sonny’s school to get him from his after-school science class. Which he loved! He’s obsessed with science, he even said so in his interview. He was very surprised to see me, not because he wasn’t expecting me, but because I showed up in this:

The good people at General Motors are letting me borrow this Acadia Denali for one week. Aren’t they nice? We’ve nicknamed her Big Red. I can’t wait to review her and share my findings with you. I even did a quick vlog from Big Red.

See you tomorrow!

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 10.23.12

    The key to Salvation Army shopping si the neighborhood you shop in. Get as close to the ritzy area of town as possible.

    And now you know all of my frugal tips. You’re welcome.

  2. 10.23.12
    Nichole said:

    Great thrift finds! My cat does the same thing with the computer, but my poor guy usually just gets pushed away. I’m looking forward to hearing what you think of the GMC. It looks huge!

  3. 10.23.12


    You’re so damn smart. I enjoyed your one and only frugal tip. I’m new to SA, so I actually didn’t know that tip. I’ll have to do some research and find the Ritzy towns around me and their Salvation Army stores. Thanks doll!


    My kitty pretty much never does stuff like that so I took it as a sign that I should stop working and chill with him. I’m pretty sure that if I didn’t do so, he would have tried to smother me in my sleep. Cats are quite vindictive lol.

  4. 10.23.12

    Oooo!! Big Red looks fun! And your little lady is adorable… even with the scowl.

  5. 10.23.12

    I can’t do thrift stores or even stores like TJ Maxx and Marshall’s. All that looking and looking through the aisles is just not worth the “find” to me. But I love seeing people work it. Your daughter is absolutely adorable and I can’t wait to hear about your family adventures with Big Red.

  6. 10.26.12
    Alexia said:

    Ooooohhh!! I love this idea!! Think I’ll make it Thrifty Tuesday in my house (several of the stores in town have half off on Tues). Looks like you found some good scores!

    And your daughter is gorgeous, sad face and everything!