Get your groove on with Just Dance 4

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I think if I had to pick only one way to get in shape, it would be with video games. I’ve always been a fan of games; I had the first Nintendo GameBoy when it came out, the Super Nintendo system and the Sega Genesis system, and over the years, I’ve kept up my title as a gamer. It’s no surprise though; my parents were gamers too. They still have their vintage Atari system!

I’ve shared before how I use video games to keep in shape, and thanks to the release of the new Just Dance 4, winter will be filled with me sweating like a hog in my living room and dancing like Rihanna.  The weekend of it’s debut, I had the husband take me to the store to purchase it.

I was so excited about our purchase, that I had to instagram it!

Isn’t it pretty?! While I’m excited that I had it when it came out, I wish I would have waited a bit. There are sales left and right for video games now, and today, Amazon has Just Dance 4 as it’s Gold Box Deal of the Day. As any frugalista knows, an Amazon deal is always a good deal. So if you have a gamer who likes to move and groove, make sure to grab up this game. And let them know, Rihanna’s “Umbrella” level is freaking awesome.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 12.4.12
    Lucrecer said:

    I love this game. It keeps me active, too. My kids and I love it.