New Year, New Smell…

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Everyone is all about resolutions. Lose weight, learn to cook, relax more. My favorite resolution is working on your home. Whether you plan to re-do an old piece of furniture to make it stand out in your abode, or you just want to create a better space for your family to dwell in this winter, working on your home is one of the greatest resolutions you just might be able to keep.

One of my favorite tips for those that don’t want to go overboard with home improvement but want to make their house a home is to work on the smell. Yes, smell makes a huge difference when it comes to your living conditions. It’s also one of the best tricks to use when your girlfriend tells you that she’s shopping around the corner from your house and wants to stop by. Make the place smell “clean” and she won’t notice the dust bunnies in the corner. Here are a few tricks I use to make my place all smelly good:

  1. Place a cinnamon stick and some orange peels in a pot, cover with water and let simmer. The smell with fill your house within minutes
  2. Want to burn a candle but don’t want the danger of a fire going? Use the stovetop again and place your candle in some simmering water. It will melt the wax, and amplify the smell. I love using the Febreze Cozy Vanilla Sugar candle for this. Such a relaxing smell. Bonus? Once your done, the wax will just harden back up and you can do this over and over without using up the candle!
  3. Use scented plug-ins in high traffic areas and bathrooms. These are the areas where your guests will most likely be spending time, so make sure they smell decent.

I’ve been a big fan of Febreze products. They last and last, and for this frugal shopper, stores are constantly offering great sales on them, and their coupons run rampant! With new seasonal scents like Cranberries and Frost, Winter Magic and Glow, and (my favorite) Cozy Vanilla Sugar you’ll be able to find your own home’s signature scent. Also, Febreze wants to offer one 4 Hats reader some goodies!

You’ll get:
$10.00 in Febreze coupons to build up your smelly good stockpile
$15.00 Visa gift card to go on a scent shopping spree!

Feeling lucky? Take a look at the Febreze Website, and comment below which scent would fit your home perfectly. Make sure that you leave an valid email address so I can contact you when you win. This will be weekend giveaway, ending on Monday, January 7th at 11:59pm. The winner will be announced on the 4 Hats and Frugal Facebook fan page on Tuesday, January 8th. 

Good Luck!

Disclosure: The Frebreze product, information, and gift packs have been provided by Febreze. I was sent product in exchange for this blog post.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

Plan Your Year Now!


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  1. 1.4.13
    Angela said:

    I love the Cranberry Frost! I have used it all through the holidays.

  2. 1.4.13

    Mediterranean Lavender!

  3. 1.5.13
    Keisha said:

    Happy New Year Amiyrah! I think I would like Hawaiian Aloha or Gain Original Scent! Thanks for the giveaway!
    butterflykmc1 (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. 1.5.13
    ..... said:

    all the smells are wonderful but my favorite is Mediterranean Lavender. just4luck at att dot net

  5. 1.5.13

    we would Love the Hawaiian Aloha scent–we love it there and even named our dog Aloha!!! LOL Happy New Year
    my email address


  6. 1.6.13
    Katie said:

    Pumpkin spice sounds wonderful.
    kaort79 at msn dot com 🙂

  7. 1.7.13
    Liz W said:

    I would like to try out the sweet citrus and zest.
    roxymb402 at aol dot com

  8. 1.7.13
    Kim said:

    cranberry frost!

    kimberly dot greene at gmail dot com

  9. 1.7.13
    skos said:

    Holiday Bloom and Cheer! Because my cheer seems to disappear after the New Year!

  10. 1.8.13
    Nicole said:

    Hey Amiyrah,
    At my house we would love anyone you just can’t go wrong. But the lucky winner would be citrus.

    P.S. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can wait hear more about you journey with the BIG CHOP!!!!
    godsnicole AT aol dot com