#FashionFriday- Little Frugalista Review

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Thrifting is becoming a big phenomenon when it comes to shopping. Fashionistas are starting to understand the greatness behind finding a piece of clothing that is unique and can be tailor to fit your style. This is very true for kids as well.

It’s no secret that my 2 year old is a budding fashionista. She loves to pick out her own outfits, and gravitates towards the non-traditional pieces for toddlers. So when we had the opportunity to review the  online thift shop for kids, Little Frugalista, I made a point of including her in the picks.

I was impressed with the selection at Little Frugalista. The inventory impressive, for boys and girls, from sizes 0/3 months to 7/8. The site is very easy to navigate and there were brands that we’d heard of before, like Old Navy and Gyboree, as well as more obscure, high end brands. When it comes to shopping thrift online, I always go for the high end brands. Why? Here are a few reasons:

1. It’s easy to research an item before buying. 
Here’s an example: The little girl loved this dress we found on Little Frugalista:

Dagmar Daley is a very chic, and expensive, shop that specializes in children’s clothing. How did I know this? Google! While shopping on Little Frugalista, I did a google search for Dagmar Daley dresses and found their site, and their prices. Here’s a similar dress right on their website:

As you can see, this dress, on sale, is 33.00. The above dress was only 8.99 at Little Frugalista. I immediately knew I was getting a great deal, even without seeing the piece in person. Also, It will yield a great re-sale value when we have to part with it and pass it on to our local consignment shop.

2. You can shop ahead for the seasons AND get great deals on items for this season.
Because pricing is low no matter what, you’ll be able to find great items at great prices, whether it’s for the winter, spring or even summer. We were able to find a high end spring jacket for the Duchess way before we’ll need it. We found an Outside Play jacket for only 6.99. I didn’t have one stored away for her and she liked the style of it, so of course, I referred back to tip number 1. After a search, I found this similar jacket:

I was sold as soon as I saw that retail price of 60 dollars. Since it’s a staple piece that will be used almost everyday in Spring and a few days in Summer, paying 7 dollars for it seemed like a no-brainer.

3. Pick high end items that can be paired with some of your kiddos everyday things.
The duchess also loved a cute Hanna Anderson dress that was listed on Little Frugalista. The dress was only 5.99 but she has lots of dresses. I immediately had to think of what we would pair it with throughout the next few seasons. She has leggings, jeggings, thick tights and thin tights that would all pair well with the dress. 

Since it’s a rainbow striped dress, we can pair it with just about anything, even some regular jeans in the fall, if the dress still fits.

Once we got our order, I was very excited to see that all of the items we purchased were of great quality and looked as if they’d never even been worn! That’s like finding a gold mine when thrifting for kids. So, if you are looking for great items for your kiddo, give Little Frugalista a peek. 

We’re linking up with Jo-Lynne and a few other fashionable ladies for Fashion Friday. Make sure to stop by and check out their awesome posts!

Disclosure: Little Frugalista provided us with a credit towards the purchase of items in their shop. All opinions, of the Duchess and mine, are our own.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 2.15.13
    Lucrecer said:

    Oh, my goodness! An online thrift store is a great idea. Glad to see you were able to find some awesome deals.

  2. 2.15.13

    Anything that will save me money is something I love. Thanks for letting me know.

  3. 2.15.13
    Colette S said:

    I had to go check it out! I love finding deals.

    And I love the idea of buying ahead of seasons!

    Thanks for the intro!

  4. 2.15.13
    Colette S said:

    Ooh and your little one is so adorable!

  5. 2.15.13

    Keeping your eyes out for sales is very important!!! Especially when your kids grow quickly out of the outfit your paid a arm and a leg for 🙂 Great find on Google with that dress… it is really cute and worth the (sale)price 🙂

  6. 2.15.13

    I absolutely LOVE making the most of my money. Especially when we purchase our kids clothing. I usually buy from the local kids resale shop but will be checking this site out.

  7. 2.15.13
    Shauna Torres said:

    Great post – I am always shocked when I see such high prices for clothes and love that you were able to find a more affordable solution to keep your little one in beautiful clothing… thanks for the post…

  8. 2.15.13

    She’s so cute! And I love the outfit! Will totally have to check this site out – love a good deal!

  9. 2.18.13

    Your little girl is adorable!

  10. 2.18.13

    When I have kids I am going to make you my personal shopper… I am going to say “Here is $20… come back with a wardrobe, lolll”