April is Financial Literacy Month

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financial help, april finances, financial literacy in april

We are officially in April. March rushed by, along with a few holidays, and now we are on the brink of spring. Another great arrival is Financial Literacy Month and the plethora of financial literacy posts, articles and information that will be shared. In 2010, President Barack Obama announced that April would now be Financial Literacy Month, to encourage Americans to educate themselves about their financial situation and how to alleviate any stress it may be causing within your life. This is the month to re-check your credit score, make sure all outstanding bills are either paid off or part of a detailed payment plan, and to determine what your financial goals will be within the next 12 months.

My goal here on 4 Hats and Frugal, for the month of April, will be to share wholeheartedly about our finances. I want to be as transparent as possible with you all this month, sharing what I use to find out our credit scores, how our savings are going, and what our new goals will be for this year. I also plan on sharing HOW we pick our goals, financial and otherwise. Creating a great guideline for your goals is essential to not only getting out of debt, but getting out of your own way when it comes to other aspects of your life. I’ll also share great Financial Literacy Month resources from other blogs, websites and media that will help you succeed. I’ll make sure to add those at the end of each financial post. Here are the 4 posts you can expect from me this month:

  • Our finances, credit and savings, now. (Along with how we save and how we keep track of it all)
  • How to set your financial (and life) goals and keep them attainable
  • Family and finances- how a change in family can create a new financial situation
  • Monthly round up of all great resources, along with final thoughts about our current financial literacy

So make sure to stop by every Tuesday in April for a new post about Financial Literacy and feel free to learn, and share, with us. It’s so great to have a built-in community for support and information, and I love that we can provide that for each other here. See you next week!

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 4.2.13
    Cecile said:

    Can’t wait to read more! I always love learning how to better handle my finances.

  2. 4.2.13

    I cannot wait to read more of this series. I am in the process of doing the 52 week savings challenge…and I love it! Thank you for being so open and candid with readers. 🙂

  3. 4.2.13
    Chacoy said:

    This sounds very great and informational for those of us (me) that need to start making sure that they’re financially on track!
    I look forward to the posts(;

  4. 4.2.13
    Susan said:

    these are some great guidelines, thanks for sharing.

    • 4.2.13
      Amiyrah said:

      Hi Susan! Make sure to stop by next Tuesday for the first post. I didn’t really give much information in this post yet, but I’ll be sharing much more in the coming weeks 🙂

  5. 4.2.13

    Great suggestions, we are always looking for new ways to get our finances in order! Thanks

  6. 4.3.13

    Looking forward to your posts! I really need to learn more about saving!