After my post last week about how I shop from my own closet, I received lots of input on how interesting that idea was. I also shared how to shop ahead for your kids.
I was inundated with questions about how this is possible to do, plus what is my strategy to keep it all together and organized.
Posting the big pile of spring clothes on my instagram feed today also inspired more comments, emails and questions. One of the best ways we save on children’s clothing is to shop ahead for your kids.
Buy the good stuff, no matter the size.
Yes, this is a key rule when it comes to stockpiling clothes for your kids. I see so many parents looking for items within their children’s current size and maybe one size up. If you see a piece that is on the clearance rack, or in great condition at the consignment or thrift store, grab it. Don’t over-think it, just grab. Your kids will continue to grow, whether you like it or not, so grabbing a piece that might be 2 or 3 sizes big will only yield you the start of a great wardrobe for years to come. I’ve purchased boots for my girl that she won’t be able to use until she’s about 5 or 6. I don’t care. They were in pristine condition and if it turns out that she outgrows them before we get to the fall season of her 5th year, I can always sell them back to the consignment shop, or even eBay. Here’s the video I did of those cool boots:
2. Keep a price point in mind
While it’s not necessary to keep track of what you have stocked away just yet, it is important to give yourself a price point. For example, I have a big issue of going over 4 dollars for a piece. I could go to 5 or 6 dollars if it’s a really good name brand, like Ralph Lauren, Hanna Anderson, or Nautica. I know the re-sale value of that piece will be higher, so I’ll get a good amount of my money back. But when it comes to looking at staple pieces for a future season, 4 bucks is my limit. This also keeps me from going overboard on the stockpiling.
3. Check out what you have already
While I don’t really “organize” what I have on-hand for the kids, every season I do get to view the pieces I’ve collected and see the gaps I may have in a wardrobe. I can see how many winter boots we have, what coats we may need for next season and if The Duchess will need more leggings for fall. Since it’s spring right now, I’ll be able to go and nit-pick the clearance aisles and thrift stores to fill in my gaps. You can even write a list, if that’s your thing.
4. Create a dedicated space for your stockpile
Just like those crazy coupon ladies on Extreme Couponing, you need to have a space for your stockpile. What will differentiate us from the CCL’s is that we will have one small space and won’t create more room for our stockpile. By giving yourself one small space and nothing more, you also limit yourself from going overboard. I have a large tupperware container where I keep my stockpile items, and one smaller one where I put clothes that are in good condition and ready to be sold to the consignment shops. That’s it. I even do the same for my own clothes so I don’t go overboard with my own wardrobe purchases.
5. You can buy new, but be careful
I don’t prevent myself from buying new items in the stores. Yes, in season if possible. But, I still use my #2 rule. If a certain Older Navy-colored store has kids jeans for 5 dollars, I pair that up with a coupon and one of my gift cards that I save to make it even cheaper. If I can’t get it down to my 4 buck bottom line, then I don’t participate in that sale. That’s it. It is so hard to have self control when all those cute kids clothes are around, but you have to do it! Respect that budget!
Genius Stock-Up Tips From The Pros
Community Member Amanda shared these tips in the comments of this post:
I’ve bought ahead for my kids for years, and in all that time, only had 1 or 2 items that wouldn’t work and that was for my oldest. (They were onesies that I’d purchased in advance and he was smack in the middle of potty training…uhhh…NO!)
I also have two boys and then a girl, so it’s just natural that stuff from boy #1 will be handed down to boy #2, so I absolutely go for quality items as far as those are concerned.
For my girl, I tend to get more ‘trendy’ pieces at ON, and the basics from Gap or Gymboree to hand down to my friend’s daughter or my niece. She is MUCH harder on her clothes than my boys ever were, (go figure!)!
If you need more advice, I have a great post about how to thrift for your kids(and yourself).
This is a great way to be more organized, and shop smarter, thanks for the tips.
Great tips. I don’t have to worry now as my kid is 21 😉 But, great tips for families with growing kids.
During Spring consignment sale season in Atlanta, I did exactly what you said. I bought size 4,5, and 6’s for our son.
For some reason the 3’s were hard to find.
He’s got clothes in his closet up to size 6 – which is weird to see because it gives me a glimpse of how big he’ll be someday!
Aww Joyce! Yes, you do get a glimpse of how big they will be. I feel like my son shot from 2 to 7 in a blink of an eye.
These are great tips! I wish I had a space to start stockpiling clothes. I have been lucky with shopping for clothes for my son. My girlfriend’s son is a little older and as soon as her son is growing out of clothes, my son is growing into them. She just puts them in a tote and saves them for me 🙂
Yay! Mallery commented on my blog! I just love you lol. We don’t have much space in this 2 bedroom apartment, which is why I am very strict with only using the two totes, one for sellable items and the other for items I’ve stockpiled. It’s amazing how much I’ve been able to stockpile with just those two little totes.
WOW! Great tips! My idea of frugal was shopping at Target, but even that has now become expensive!
The price point tip is PERFECT! I mostly buy used (or take hand-me-downs), but I’ve scored some good deals on the clearance racks. Having that number in mind can make new OR used a good bargain or bust. I actually found some cute sweaters on sale at Old Navy in late winter and they were such a good deal, I bought the sizes I was pretty sure my son would be wearing NEXT winter! Seriously, $3 for a nice sweater — can’t beat it 🙂
Great post! I don’t just stockpile for DS, I do this for myself too. I can’t begin to tell you the amazing clearance items I have stockpiled for myself, only to find that specific colour is THE colour for the upcoming season.
Loved these tips! I buy most if not all of my kids clothes from thrift stores and as long as I check for quality it always turns out well. I also go to a few rummage sales which net me the main portion of my kids clothes by season, its a little harder for me personally not to run around grabbing everything like a kid in a candy store but the prices are great and i can clear out the bulk of what my kids need for the upcoming season.
I’m so glad you enjoyed the tips, Amanda! I wish we had more garage, estate and rummage sales here. I love to get vintage clothing for my girl whenever possible, for a good price. For now, I just find the deals online. Thanks for stopping by!
LOVE this! I swear we were separated at birth!
I’ve bought ahead for my kids for years, and in all that time, only had 1 or 2 items that wouldn’t work and that was for my oldest. (They were onesies that I’d purchased in advance and he was smack in the middle of potty training…uhhh…NO!)
I also have two boys and then a girl, so it’s just natural that stuff from boy #1 will be handed down to boy #2, so I absolutely go for quality items as far as those are concerned.
For my girl, I tend to get more ‘trendy’ pieces at ON, and the basics from Gap or Gymboree to hand down to my friend’s daughter or my niece. She is MUCH harder on her clothes than my boys ever were, (go figure!)!
I also organize mine, but I’m super anal about those things. Once outgrown, the boys clothes go into space bags that are labeled by size, and Boy #1 clothes go into Boy #2’s closet. Any new items are on their shelves sorted by season and size. My daughter’s clothes are sorted by season AND size for things that she’ll grow into, and then things she’s outgrown are just sorted by size for me to sell or hand down. I also ordered a ton of stuff from ruum last year, and will see how it fits this year. Some items might need to wait until next year depending on fit.
I love this, Amanda! You are way more organized than I am about the clothes. I need to get into using the space bags more. We have a good organization routine, but now that I’ll have to stockpile for another kiddo, I need to re-think it. I may just use your system. I’m so glad you commented!