Did you all know that I have another life on YouTube? Yes, I’m a YouTuber (click that “4 Hats on YouTube” button up yonder there). I find that sometimes a video will do such a better job of relaying my views on a subject than writing it would. I also love to edit videos; it’s becoming an enjoyable hobby for me, and I hope to turn it into a business soon (but that’s another post).
I’m over 100 videos in, and I still get a bit nervous over the anticipation of being on camera. I should be over this by now, right? I guess not. The revelation of this comes on the eve of my very first time on a TV show.
Tomorrow, my Mom and I will be filming a segment on the Dr. Oz show. It will be about healthy eating and free apps. Anything that has to do with food and free stuff is totally for me! Now, the nerves have set in. I won’t be able to do the editing, but by the encouragement of the producer, I will be able to show off my goofy giggly personality. I’m not quite sure if I’ve done that enough in my youtube videos though. Can you take a peek and let me know? Here are a few to view:
So, do you think I’m ready for the big time? Judging just from that rap video, I may be on my way. I mean, who raps about a car? Really? (All rappers who talk about cars in their song, shush your mouth.) I can’t wait to share my inaugural experience with you all. I’ll be chatting it up on twitter and Facebook during it all so I’ll see you over there. Also, if you’d like to continue to view my craziness, please subscribe to my YouTube channel. It’s like feeding the animals at the zoo; you know it’s not allowed but you just can’t resist if you have the chance. Feed my crazy!
Darling, you are gorgeous on film!
love your videos, i have got to start doing more videos!!
I’m not nearly confident enough to do videos. You’re fabulous, and I’m so with you on your and you’re!
You are such a beautiful person inside and out – it will all be awesome!!
I’d say you’re ready for the big times, great videos!
You are adorable. Love seeing PSMMs on TV. Can’t wait to see your appearance.
Love it! I always want to do videos but never seem to get it done. I need to be more proactive. Great job!
I am sure that Dr. Oz and his audience will love you just as much as we do!
You’re a natural! You’ll do great! I wish I had your confidence in front of a camera!!