It seems like just yesterday, not weeks ago, that my husband and I ventured to DisneyLand for the 2014 Disney Social Media Moms Conference. We were very hesitant to attend this wonderful conference on our own, without the kids, but in the end, it turned out to be one of the best things we could do for our marriage. We experienced Dinseyland and romance, and explored a new place in the process.
Life revolves around our kids. It truly does. We have no problem admitting this, and are very proud of our little brood, and the young family we’ve created. A sweet, sensitive son, a spunky and sassy daughter and now another wonderful son on the way, we see them as our biggest accomplishments. But, they do run our home and our household. Once we decided to go to California on our own, for what was essentially a “baby moon,” we realized this was the first time we’ve gone on a vacation alone since I returned from my Afghanistan deployment over 2 years ago. It was time for a break. My Mother-in-law flew in from Ohio to stay with the kids, and we were off. It was time to think about us.
Neither my husband nor I had ever been to Disneyland. We, especially me, are Walt Disney World fanatics, and are raising our kids to be the same. This would be an adventure for us both, and the conference would be the apex of the mountain of awesome that was in store. Our demeanor immediately changed once we landed. There was no urgency, no need to check to see if anyone was on the verge of a meltdown. As we checked into the Disneyland Hotel, there was excitement in our voices. It was a whole new world, and Matthew at the front desk was so pleasant and seemed just as excited about our excursion as we were. I spotted friends in the halls and during conference registration, and while they were running around with their kids, I knew that we were there to have a different experience this time. I smiled at my husband who stocked up on cookies and fruit for us to share in our room, and immediately fell in love with him again. He looked like the young man I’d met just 13 short years ago. Exuberant and eager to learn something new. And although I was sporting a tiny baby bump, I knew he saw the same in me.
As we attended the spectacular family events, held hands and linked arms, the romance ran rampant. We explored Disneyland’s version of Tower of Terror, more than once, and shared corn dogs and churros during a late lunch.
photo courtesy of Josh Hallett
My own husband was caught squealing with delight when he found out that LeVar Burton would be reading to the children during our morning family session on Saturday of the conference. His eyes lit up while LeVar read, as if HE was sitting in front of him on a bean bag chair. Flashbacks of his time in front of the TV during episodes of Reading Rainbow filled his head and he was transformed back to the 80s. We were kids again. Kids at Disneyland. We were making our own memories, just the two of us.
Whether it was watching Princess Tiana elegantly walk amongst guests near Splash Mountain, taking pictures with Donald and Daisy, or riding The Disneyland Railroad on our way to Star Tours, we were the epitome of our teenage selves. We were quickly claiming Disneyland as ours, and only ours. We weren’t sharing the experience with our children, but we were essentially the children this time. As the plaque located at the south end of Main Street says:
“To all who come to this happy place: WELCOME. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past..and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future.”
We relived memories of our relationship’s past and the promise of our future was reclaimed. Disneyland and romance will forever go hand-in-hand now. It’s our new happy place and we can’t wait to visit again.
Disclosure: I was invited to the Disney Social Media Moms Celebration at a reduced rate. Transportation to the conference was my responsibility. All opinions are my own.
Could not love this post more … congrats on your ‘baby moon’
Sounds like a magical trip was had by all xxx
I have found that going to places that you would normally think to take the kids is a wonderful romance builder for a marriage. My husband and I went to a local Shriner’s Fair and had the best time. We normally take the grand kids but found it refreshing to nurture those inner children and have fun as a couple.
Sounds like such a happy and romantic adventure. Good for you and congrats on the upcoming baby.
I spent my honeymoon there and had a blast. Looks like you had fun!
What a fantastic post! It sounds like you had a great time! I’m hoping to take my kids there soon!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been to Disneyland. Looks like you guys had such a great time. I’ve heard great things about the social media moms conference.
This is the best kind of babymoon ever! Happy for you guys and oh, if I had heard LeVar Burton read to the kids I totally would’ve started crying. I’m such a nostalgia softy.
I love this post so much! My hubby and I enjoy heading to Disneyland on dates, too! So glad you both were able to experience the magic of Disneyland together, making new memories! Romance and magic go hand in hand!! 🙂
Thanks Camille! I love that we’ll always remember that the first time we experienced Disneyland was as a couple.
Looks like a blast! I’m so happy you two got away for a babymoon. That’s so important! You are truly an amazing woman. It’s been so cool reading more and more about you!
And I keep reading all these fun posts about the conference and it makes me both so happy and so sad. Happy because WOW! It’s truly amazing and an opportunity I had no idea existed and sad because OMG now I know too much, and I’m going to be so sad if I never get an invite! haha.