I was the recipient of a true act of kindness with Kleenex® Brand products as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #Kleenexcare. This might be the most personal sponsored post I’ve ever written. I had the intention of writing this post about a family tradition that we have. Every few months, we put together “blessing boxes” for our neighbors. Large boxes are placed around the common areas in our complex, and we welcome our neighbors to take what they need, like bottles of shampoo and boxes of Kleenex®, and we encourage them to pay it forward by being a blessing to another neighbor. How Kleenex Care can be a blessing for all. That’s what this post was supposed to be about. But, after recent events, I just couldn’t do it. Wednesday night, we lost a dear family friend to cancer. Ruth was the woman who took care of me since I was 2 months old. When my mom had to go back to work, I was taken to Ruth’s. Every neighborhood has a woman like Ruth: a kind-hearted and lively lady that offers to watch the neighborhood kids, while their parents work hard to keep a roof over their heads. I wasn’t the first baby she cared for, nor was I the last. She even took care of my little sister when she was born. She was everyone’s Aunt, everyone’s Grandmother. She was also the mother of my mom’s best friend, which meant that she was family. When my mom called me at 9:30 on Wednesday night, I immediately knew something was wrong. As she broke the news that Ruth lost her battle with cancer, I sobbed. I sobbed like I’d lost my own grandmother all over again. I sobbed the same way I did when my grandfather passed away two years ago. As my husband rushed to console me, I worked hard to hold it together. But, the tears. The tears continued. Tears for the woman that I hugged hard and kissed endlessly every time I saw her. The woman that helped shaped me as a giver and lover of life.
My husband said nothing, but held on tight. As I started to quiet down, he gifted me with the sweetest acts of kindness. He grabbed a Kleenex® and wiped away my tears. This act of love continued for the next hour; the harder I cried, the more he wiped. Using Kleenex® to clear my tears was an easy way to show he cared. As I lost someone I loved, I had someone who loves me to lean on. I’m sure this small act was nothing to him, but it was everything to me. It’s funny how one piece of Kleenex® and one giant teddy bear of a man could comfort me. But, we all take comfort in the the things we can depend on, whether it’s tissue or people.
My dearest Ruthie, thank you for loving me like one of your own. Thank you for the acts of kindness that you provided to our community. Thank you for being a light for all. We’ll miss your giggles, and the comfort and care you offered to us all. We’ll love you, always. Kleenex wants to encourage you to perform acts of kindness this season to those around you:
- Join the “Share The Kleenex Care” movement.
- Kleenex softness is a catalyst for showing kindness and care.
- Sharing a Kleenex is an easy way to show how much you care.
What a beautiful tribute to what seems like a very lovely woman. Wow…what a legacy to leave. And your dear sweet husband…Thank you for sharing with us. <3
Beautifully written, Amiyrah. Acts of kindness let us share our humanity. What a wonderful soul Ruth was. May the gorgeous memories of her live in your heart forever. Take care of yourself…
Man, I am sorry. I know that was hard to write. Remember the good times of Ms. Ruth! You were blessed to have her in your life. Nice tribute.
Friends are the family we choose, or just come our way because God knew we needed them.
Much love to you xxxx
First off Amiyrah, my sympathy to you all. And yes, we all have a Ruth in our lives. I can think of my kids Mama Ruth right now. Such a beautiful tribute for a beautiful person.
I am so sorry for your loss. Ruthie sounds like a wonderful lady. Really wonderful. I am so grateful that you had your husband to console you. Cancer is a thief and it robs the world of so much. You have my sympathy for your loss. And a hug.
BTW, this is a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.
So sorry for your loss! May God and your husband continue to comfort you during this time of need.
God Bless you and Miss Ruth. We’ve all had a Miss Ruth in our lives and are better for it.
Thanks Pam. Yes, I see that lots of my friends had someone just as special as Ruth in their lives. We are all very blessed!
So sorry Amiyrah. Reading this made me sad and I know you will miss her.
I sure will, Ms. Pat. Thank you for commenting.
This was such a touching story! Sending you sympathy and warm wishes. Thank you for sharing with us.
Thank you, Rachee.
Losing someone we love is always hard, sending you big hugs.
Thanks so much, Sandy.
I am so sorry for your loss… Kleenex is a staple in my life. I remember the days that my dad worked for Kimberly Clarke when I was a young girl. He would bring me Kleenex and Keri lotion. Those items always bring me comfort…love.
Love you Miyrah and know that Miss Ruth is still watching her babies from above.
Thank you, my friend. Isn’t it funny how certain staples tend to bring back memories for us, or comfort us in our time of need? I didn’t think that Kleenex was going to be such a big factor in my grieving process, but lo and behold, it was.
I am so sorry for your loss, I had a neighbor who did the same for me. It is a blessing to have someone like this in your life..
Praying for you as you and your family mourn and grieve. I know the memory of this wonderful and beautiful woman who poured into your life will stay with you and bring you joy for many years to come.
Sending you some love.
Thank you so much, Aida.
I am sorry for your loss. At the same time, know that your Ruth lives on in your generosity, kindness and love for others.
Thank you, Ms. Janeane.
This was so beautiful dear friend. I’m so sorry for your loss and you are an amazing woman and I know Ms. Ruth played a big part in that.
Thank you so much, friend.