Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Are you a parent looking to turn today’s day off of school into a learning experience for your kids?
A great way to do this is to watch the top Martin Luther King Jr. YouTube videos that highlight the amazing work of Dr. King.
Today, our kids will be working on MLK day printables, like this one from Mama Knows It All, and watching quite a few of these videos.
Top Martin Luther King Jr. YouTube Videos

This would be a great way to open up a discussion with your children about Martin Luther King, Jr., the rights of all Americans, and even a precursor to learning about the whole Civil Rights movement.
These would also be great to view for Black History Month. After watching these videos together, check out my post on how to Teach Your Child To Be An Advocate for Change. Our kids could change the world, just like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
I hope you and your children enjoy these MLK videos for kids. If you find more great Martin Luther King Jr. day videos for kindergarten or any other age group, please share links to them in the comments below.
{Related: Pioneers of the Civil Rights Movement Mini Curriculum}
Bonus video: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” Speech

Thank you for compiling these videos. We will use them in our homeschool to learn more about MLK Day and Dr. King himself.