African-American Frugal Bloggers You Need To Know

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These 5 African-American frugal bloggers have unique takes on living a frugal life. Check them out in this post!

I absolutely love the frugal community that lives online. There are so many amazing writers that provide financial life hacks for those of us looking to reduce or eliminate debt, or just live a simpler life. After writing for 11 years, I figure it would be a great time to list my favorite frugal bloggers that I relate to. So, here are my favorite African-American frugal bloggers that I think you need to know.

Ericka Chapman of Life of Random

Erika shares simple, yet effective tips when it comes to beauty, fashion, and life in general! Check out her post showing how to refurbish your old flats. It’s genius!

Saidah Washington of Aprons and Stilettos

Saidah is a frugal force to be reckoned with, for sure. I first became a fan of Saidah’s while reading her first blog, A Proverbs Wife, and was so excited to see her start another site dedicated to fashion, DIY and home decoration. She shows her readers how to be fabulous for less.

Tatanisha Worthey of A Mitten Full of Savings

Tatanisha shares special tips, tricks and deals for Michigan residents, but her content is super helpful for anyone across the country. Her recipes are so simple and delicious, so be sure to add a few of them to your meal plan. Also, she shares amazing hacks like this one for saving money at the gas pump.

Kara Stevens  of The Frugal Feminista

When you think of frugal fabulousness, you have to think of Kara. From the look of her blog, to her writing style and topics, she exudes awesomeness. I love to stop by her blog to get a good dose of reality, and action steps for staying on track when it comes to our finances and frugal lifestyle. I also love that Kara is a financial coach! You have to hire a coach that shows you the social proof right there on her website with every post.

Amiyrah Martin of 4 Hats and Frugal

I just had to put myself in the mix, of course. With 11 years of frugal blogging in the books (well, on the site) for me, I just may be an African-American frugal blogger that you need to know. We started our frugal lifestyle at the beginning of 2006, just one year before I started to write about our journey. We made it a mission to become debt free, and through the accountability of this site, we accomplished it in just over 2 years. Stop by our site for simple yet delicious recipes, tips to help you grocery shop for less without coupons, as well as posts and videos about frugal family fun.

Related: {Influential African-American Mom Bloggers List by Brandi Riley}

Are there other African-American frugal bloggers you think I should add to the list? Please leave their names and websites below!

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 2.10.15

    Love this, Amiyrah! Super helpful. I am sure everyone listed is super grateful that you mentioned them! 🙂

    • 2.10.15
      Amiyrah said:

      Thanks Shelby! These are really awesome ladies. I’m proud to list them as important parts of the frugal community.

  2. 2.3.18
    Tatanisha said:

    Thank you for including me in this list. I need to check out some of these other bloggers- I love connecting and networking with people in my niche!! And, I will share these resources with my readers!

    • 2.5.18
      Amiyrah said:

      You’re so welcome!

  3. 1.10.19
    Antonio said:

    thefrugalblackmansguide or The Frugal Black People’s Guide is a humorous view in frugal living with great tips. The writer is Frugal Frank on the black side

    • 1.11.19
      Amiyrah said:

      Thank you for sharing! I need to check out his site.