Possessions | 30 Days of Financial Affirmations

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30 Days of Financial Affirmations

This is day 7 of the 30 Days of Financial Affirmations challenge. If you missed any of the previous days, check out the overview page for links to the other affirmations.

I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t like to buy things. Whether it’s groceries, shoes, home decorations, or gifts for others, everyone love possessions. It’s a worldly thing, yes, but it’s part of our culture. So, today’s affirmation will be plain and simple. We have to love our possessions.

I’m not talking about the worldly possessions that we can pick up at Target or Walmart, I’m talking about the things that we attain mentally and spiritually as well. While it’s great to have a working car, it’s also amazing to have a mind that can create new (money-making) ideas, or that’s able to find ways to provide support for our families.

It’s also important to count our blessings and look at them as possessions. They were given to us for a reason. Our financial blessings are very important possessions to love, because once we love those, others will appear. We have to appreciate what we have right in front of us before we’re able to attain even more.

Here is today’s affirmation:

I love what I possess right now, whether it’s tactile, mental or spiritual.

No task for today. I think that affirmation says enough. Count your most important possessions. List them if you would like. Know what you have mentally, spiritually and of course, worldly.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 3.9.15
    Nichole said:

    I love my passion for wanting to help those who can’t help themselves or who need a little help helping themselves and can’t wait to be able to really focus on doing those things. (On a sidenote, ever checked out freethegirls.org? I do a bra drive a couple times a year for them)