The Hurt | 30 Days of Financial Affirmations

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When we treat money as an entity, we tend to associate real feelings with it. It can make us happy, it can frustrate us, and more than likely, it can hurt us. When money we expect to come into our lives doesn’t manifest, we tend to feel angry. When we see others, who work just as hard as we do, attaining more finances, we feel hurt. Like money decided to bless them and not us. While we know that’s not the case, it still causes strife in our minds and hearts.

I find it quite interesting that this is the mindset of our first world society. We put so much stress and importance into building wealth, that it becomes emotional. It’s similar to a gambler in a casino. When they’re up, they happy and smiling, starting conversations with the dealers and the fellow gamblers. When things go wrong, and they start to lose everything they won, the emotions drastically change. They’re angry. They’re depressed. All over money.

If you think about the simple life of those that live in the third world, money really is a means. They are more focused on their family, staying healthy (and alive, in some cases), and providing a home for those that they care for each day. Money comes and goes, and it’s used to help them keep as stable of a life as possible. They have their own businesses because they know that business can be passed down to the next generation. They don’t do it to “get rich.”

What would happen if we had the same mindset about money, and the idea of it being emotionless? We’d succeed at life in general, rather than just succeeding within our finances. Why do you work hard each and every day? Is it to make money to pay bills? Or is it to advance in all aspects of life? There is a difference.

Here is your affirmation for today:

Money can’t hurt me. Money can’t excite me. All emotions I have with finance are created through me, and only me.

There is no task for today. Why? Because today’s affirmation is a big one. Letting go of the emotions that we associate with finance is so important to our advancement in life. I’d like for you to really think about this today, and give yourself permission to let go of the hurt once and for all.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 3.24.15
    Lindsay said:

    I needed this. I struggle so much with wanting to better our situation that I forget we have it pretty darn good, even if it’s hard or not what I hoped it’d be at this point.

  2. 3.25.15
    Rachee said:

    I have really been trying to work on experiences and not things. It’s been a struggle transitioning but little by little I am making it work.

    • 3.27.15
      Amiyrah said:

      That’s great Rachee. It is difficult to transition to the experiences rather than the things when we have always valued the “things” as something so important in our lives. You’re on the right track. I believe in you!