I used JOHNSON’S® for my little one and for myself as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars #johnsonspartners #SoMuchMore
There is magic in a third child. You feel a special kind of love, and exhaustion, once you reach number 3. Little things are celebrated a little differently, milestones are acknowledged in a different way (usually by their siblings), and that love you share is so unique. Our third baby has brought about a new adventure for us, and another way to connect: through touch. We’ve been discovering #SoMuchMore with our new little one, and his obsession with touch is one that we are truly enjoying on a daily basis.
Baby Frugal is all about the cuddles. He loves to sit on my lap and touch my face, or sit with Daddy and play in his beard. But, his most favorite thing to do is to hold hands. He holds his brother’s hand while we’re in the car, his sister’s hand while they play with toys, which is interesting to see, and he even holds my hand.
It’s always the same two fingers. The ring finger and the pinky. He’ll even give me high fives from time to time, but when it’s our special moment when we need to relax, it’s the two-finger grasp. Because of this, I make sure that my hands are as soft as possible. JOHNSON’S® baby oil gel with shea & cocoa butter is just the ticket for touchable hands. But, I don’t leave to just that.
My new favorite treat? 2 ingredient Shea Cocoa Butter Hand Scrub. I use JOHNSON’S® baby oil gel with shea & cocoa butter mixed with raw sugar, and scrub my hands at the kitchen sink.
Just 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/4 cup of oil gel mixed together, and you’re in business.
The best part is that this can be used in other ways. I love to use the scrub in the shower after I wash up with JOHNSON’S® baby moisture wash with vanilla oatmeal. Yes, I use JOHNSON’S® baby moisture wash in the shower! JOHNSON’S® Baby Moisture Wash & Lotion with Vanilla Oatmeal combine oatmeal, an ingredient long known for its nourishing and skin-soothing properties, with an essence of vanilla for baby-soft skin. It’s great for Mama and baby.
JOHNSON’S® baby oil gel with shea & cocoa butter provides a moisture that’s perfect for spring and summer, while the raw sugar scrubs away all the dead skin cellls. So, if Baby Frugal decides that he’s suddenly all about my arms rather than my hands, they’ll be super soft for him.
And when you have the opportunity to rub these cheeks, wouldn’t you want to make sure your hands were soft too?