Over the years, I’ve become a documentary junkie, and now, I’ve tracked down documentaries for kids on Netflix.
Whether they are about food, music, alternative living, and even modern medicine, I’m hooked on documentaries. The only problem with my obsession is that the kids usually can’t watch them with me.
Documentaries For Kids Are A Great Way To Learn
The subjects of the documentaries are usually too adult for my kids. I made a point of finding documentaries for kids on Netflix, and ones we can watch as a family. Here is a list of a few of our favorites.
Our Planet
This limited series show’s the earth’s natural beauty and examines how climate change impacts all living creatures. We love watching this series for homeschool, and it’s actually a docu-series our 5 year old enjoys.
Beary Tales
Oh my goodness. This is such a cute documentary about a photographer who ends up taking care of 2 bear cubs left by their mother. Within the 51 minute documentary, you’ll learn all about how bear cubs grow up.
The Short Game
Have you ever witnessed a 7-year-old golfer rock the game? Well, this sport documentary produced by actress Jessica Biel highlights a few of the youngest players of golf, and their journey to the World Championships of Junior Golf.
Dream Big
This 42 minute documentary shares the stories of engineers who dreamed big and made history. It is rated G, but smaller kiddos might get bored towards the middle of the film.
The Toys That Made Us
If you haven’t watched this docu-series yet, this is the one to watch with your teens! It’s rated TV-14, so I wouldn’t suggest watching it with younger kids. But, this will be a path down memory lane for you, and they’ll learn a lot about the childhood toys you enjoyed.
Day The Dinosaurs Died
Do you have a dinosaur-loving kiddo in your home? This 52 minute documentary is a must-watch. It focuses on the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, and what a group of scientists learned from examining the crater.
America’s Book Of Secrets
This is another docu-series we love to watch as part of our homeschool history curriculum. This is a great series for school-age history buffs. While the series is TV-PG, there is an episode about the Playboy Mansion, so you may want to skip that one.
The Blue Planet
This documentary series just may be my favorite out of the documentaries for kids, and it’s not because I’m a Pisces. OK, maybe it is, but I’ve always been so interested in what majestic creatures live in the deep blue sea.
This BBC documentary was created by the same production team of Planet Earth, another family favorite of ours. My daughter has gravitated to this documentary, and we’ve found ourselves googling a few of the unique marine animals featured in each episode.
I’ve been meaning to show my daughter Blue Planet. We are currently working out way through Octonauts and she loves learning about all the animals.