I absolutely love printables. They can be so helpful when trying to organize your home, your kitchen, and your life. I’ve been known to get lost on Pinterest, just looking at all the beautiful printables that are offered for free. But, I do have one issue with printables – the colors.
Scroll Down To Get Your No Frills Meal Planning Printable
As a mom on a budget, using up expensive colored ink on pretty printables makes me cringe. Also, even though I love all the designs, I don’t really need them to be on a piece of paper I’m just going to recycle a week later. So, I created these no frills meal planning printable package that I’ve been using for the past few months. Now, I’d like to share them with you!
Just so you know, these aren’t gorgeous by any means. Well, I did them in color for those that still want a little pizzazz, but they are pretty basic. I absolutely love them. The black and white version can be printed in draft form on your printer, thus saving you on ink. Bonus: even though they don’t look pretty, they will still keep your organized for your weekly meal plan. I’ve saved them as PDFs, so you can edit them right on your computer, and print off once completed. No need to write your list out by hand, if you don’t want to.
Ready to print them out? Click on the corresponding button below:
Looking for help with your grocery shopping? Check out our $64 grocery budget challenge series:
More grocery challenge posts located here: $64 Grocery Budget Challenge
have u noticed which grocery store seems to be the best for getting the most for your $? Also I feel so overwhelmed cause I am just learning to cook and I have picky eaters so any ideas on recipes would be awesome! thanks, love your blog!
Hi Erica! The “best” grocery store will depend on where you live. If you take a look at our $64 grocery budget posts, we’ve tried to feature a few stores around the country where you can get some great deals without having to use coupons. When I first started out on our debt-free journey, I was a TERRIBLE cook! Ha! But, I knew that cooking at home would save us so much money, so I stuck with very simple dishes to get me started. There are some simple dishes on the blog (try the Yogurt Chicken and Applesauce Chicken recipes), and you could visit some of my favorite simple recipe bloggers, like http://thepioneerwoman.com. She’s fabulous!
Have you done this at Kroger?
Have I used the meal plan printable at Kroger? I have not. We don’t have a Kroger here. Or did you mean something else?
Yes ma’am, We have a Kroger. We do not have the other store.
I am sorry, I was talking about the $64 grocery budget.
Ah, gotcha! No, we haven’t done a post about Kroger yet, but it’s coming!