Ellen DeGeneres and Ed O’Neill Share Finding Dory Secrets

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With Finding Dory hitting theaters Friday, June 17th, we’d all love some inside scoop from the cast and crew. Well, during the #FindingDoryEvent, we were able to interview cast members including Ellen DeGeneres and Ed O’Neill. Ellen and Ed shared some interesting facts and secrets about the filming of Finding Dory, and I’d love to share those with you today.

Ellen and Ed

The Cast Saw Finding Dory Before The Premiere, But Only Once

Ellen shared with us that the cast did have a chance to see the film before the premiere, but it just wasn’t the same:

“They showed it for the cast once, but it wasn’t finished, and it was in a room with just us…As much as you want to go ‘hey, we’re great,’ it’s really nice to see it with a bunch of people and feel the energy of everybody. Then, it’s kind of like, ‘oh, it really DID work!’ “

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Ed’s 3 Word Motto Isn’t About Swimming

When asked what their 3 word motto in life would be, similar to Dory’s “Just Keep Swimming,” Ellen admitted that her motto would be just that. Ed, on the other hand, said that “Just Keep Punching” would be his, even though “now it gets more difficult to punch.”

There Are Great Life Lessons Within The Movie

Ellen shared that some of the life lessons families will learn from the film are “never give up…be optimistic…and there’s always another way.” But the biggest lesson she shared was..

“No matter what your situation is, it can get better, and everyone starts from different places. Even if you have a disability, use your strengths. Whatever that is. Mine was making people laugh. I had a lot of stuff that was hard for me in my life, and I knew that could make people laugh; that was my strength.”

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Ed’s Research For His Role Was Minimal

“I googled ‘mimic octopus.” I did. Somebody told me to. I didn’t know that animal existed. It wasn’t an octopus I knew of. They shape shift, or (rather) change colors. They don’t have a long lifespan, but it’s probably good because they would be ruling the world. Amazing.”

Ed Thought His Role Was A Cameo

Ed wasn’t told much about his role, but decided to sign on because “It was Pixar; it was from Finding Nemo. I said ‘I’m in.’ “

“Over time, I kept coming back, and I would say to Andrew (Stanton, Director of Finding Dory): ‘what’s happening? I’m back again?’ And he said, ‘well, it’s a progression.’ “

Ellen and Ed Dancing

We Danced With Ellen and Ed

Ok, this isn’t a Finding Dory secret, but it’s worth mentioning. After our interview, we asked Ellen and Ed to dance with us. They did. They actually danced with us! A big thank you to Ellen DeGeneres and Ed O’Neill for such an amazing interview.

Photo credit: Sara from BudgetSavvyDiva.com. Thanks, Sara!

Finding Dory hits theaters this Friday, June 17th!

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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