Amiyrah’s Outfit of the Week 7/15/16

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OOTW July 15

Have you ever put together an outfit, rocked it all day, and ended up missing that outfit the rest of the week? You’re all “man, I looked too good in that dress and heels on Tuesday. I wish I could wear it again.” Yeah, I’ve been there. So, I’m starting this little series on the blog – Amiyrah’s Outfit of the Week.

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With my new love for fashion capsules, there outfits that have been created from the tiny amount of items I own now have been so exciting. My love for fashion has been increased exponentially!

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This week’s outfit is courtesy of Le Tote. Le Tote is a subscription service where you are outfitted with 5 unique items. Here’s the cool part: you borrow the items. Yes, you can wear them all month, then send them back. This has been great for my capsule, since I can try out trends without investing money, or a space in my 37 piece wardrobe. Plus, this outfit screams summer! It’s feminine, fun, and light.

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Outfit Breakdown

Tank Top – Target

Pants – Le Tote

Sandals – Old (ha!). I’ve had these for years. Click here for a similar style.

Necklace – Le Tote

Sunglasses – Fantas-Eyes

Le Tote is bomb! Did you see those pants? They also have pockets. POCKETS! Want to try Le Tote for free? You can get your first Le Tote box for free by clicking this link. You have 14 days to try out your box, then you can decide to cancel the service or continue on. A full post about using Le Tote when on a budget is on it’s way. For now, try it out for free.


Until next week, friends. Stay fashionable and fabulous!

This post may contain affiliate links.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 12.5.16
    ALexis said:

    LOVING the pants Amiyrah! They look great on you!

    • 12.6.16
      Amiyrah said:

      Thanks, Alexis!