Be His Muse

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The camera is a funny contraption. Some feel very comfortable in front of it, some run screaming when there is one present. I’m somewhere in the middle. But, as I’ve grown on this here blog, I’ve learned my ways behind a camera. Photography has been a great skill to add, but it has kept me from being the subject of photos. Lately, that’s changed.

One day a few months ago, my husband let me know that he’d like to spend more time with the cameras that we own. I say “we,” even though I’ve been the one using them religiously, because he was part of the purchase.

He did the research for me when it came to finding the right cameras for my online work. He’s bought lenses and upgraded point and shoot cameras for me as gifts. They are his as much as they are mine. But, this request did scare me.

What if he messes with my settings? What if he drops the camera, and I’m left scrambling to create blog-worthy photos with my phone? The questions came fast. But, like a good wife, I surrendered.


He started using our Nikon and Canon bodies much more. Yes, he did muck up my settings. Yes, he did want to use the cameras when I needed to use them for work. But, the most interesting thing that happened what that he was adamant about me being his muse.

I was to stand IN FRONT of the camera, while he took my picture. Being the multi-tasker that I am, I agreed to this only if he took outfit pictures for my outfit of the week posts. He agreed, but still did his own thing with the camera.

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He caught me. He took photos that showed me how he sees me as a person. As his best friend. As his wife. As a woman. When he wanted me to be his muse, he wasn’t playing around.

He also caught some beautiful photos of our children. Shots that represented their personalities, and how HE sees them. It’s weird to see how different his photos of our children are from the ones I take of them. The camera really is an extension of your own eye.


The lesson here? Step from behind the camera, Mamas. Better yet, let your husband have a full photo shoot with you. Stand still and let him do his thing. Then, look at the photos to witness how he truly sees you. I bet you’ll be presently surprised.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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