Halloween Fun & Clean Baby Teeth

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Star Wars Family Costume

This is a sponsored post for which I have received compensation, but the opinions are 100% my own. #Smilehood

We are THAT family. We dress up in themed costumes for Halloween. Those themed costumes are usually Star Wars related because…we kind of love Star Wars. When Baby Frugal was born, we were excited to add him to the Halloween fun. Even though he cries every time we take our group photo, he loves wearing his costume, and trick-or-treating with his siblings.

This year, he was BB-8 from Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He refused to wear his BB-8 hat that went with his costume, and was NOT about walking the neighborhood streets, but he enjoyed being pushed around in a stroller by his “owner” Poe (also known as my husband). The one thing that we struggle with when taking him out for Halloween is the lack of treats for toddlers.

BB-8 and Poe

See, we try not to give Baby Frugal any sugary candy. Since he’s still learning about dental hygiene, and how to take care of his teeth, we want to wait as long as possible before giving him free reign with candy.

This year, we lucked out and had a wonderful neighbor hand out animal crackers to the babies and toddlers. He was so happy to finally get his own treat! I have to admit, so was I.

We want to prevent cavities and tooth decay in Baby Frugal, so we follow these steps during Halloween, and all year round:

  • We never put him in bed with a sippy cup of milk or juice. We make sure he finishes it before bedtime, and always brush his teeth before we place him down to sleep.
  • We don’t share eating utensils with him. The bacteria from our mouths can cause havoc in his, so we let him go to town with his own toddler forks and spoons.
  • We clean his teeth twice a day: when he wakes up, and before bed. This helps keep his teeth healthy, and teaches him an oral hygiene routine.

To learn more tips for preventing cavities and tooth decay, visit this Orajel page.

Did you dress up your toddler for Halloween? What kind of treats did they score?

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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