The Spaghetti Situation

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This is a sponsored post on behalf of Clorox®.

Like many other families, we love a good spaghetti dinner. It’s a staple on our meal plan almost every month, and for good reason. It’s fun, it’s fast, and it’s messy. Messy food is the best food. According to my kids, messy food is life. Which brings us to the spaghetti situation with our baby James.


See, James is very independent. He likes what he likes, and he wants to do things his way. This includes eating his spaghetti dinner. He won’t use his little baby fork, and frowns upon bowls. It doesn’t matter that everyone else uses a bowl and fork to eat their spaghetti. He dares to be different, and cries when he can’t.


I let him go at it. Slurps, gulps, and growls ensue with every handful of spaghetti. These are sounds that the whole family produces, but James? He’s a champ at it. His slurp game is strong. He’s also the messiest of the bunch, which gives this mom a little grief once it’s time to wash his clothes. By the way, I tend to dress him in his favorite blue and white shirt for almost every spaghetti night. Why do I do this? Because I ALSO dare to be different.


OK, the truth is I dress him in his favorite blue and white shirt because I know I can always get it clean. Clorox® Splash-Less® Bleach is my dearest friend after our spaghetti situation. It’s gets all the red sauce out, and makes my life so much better. Did I mention James does not like any stains on his clean clothes? Yeah, my 2 year old is meticulous about everything in life. I love him.


When it’s time to get down and dirty with laundry, I have to grab my Clorox® Splash-Less® Bleach. It brings his favorite shirt back to life, while keeping me from making yet another mess pouring it into the washer. Did I mention all of our family members are messy? Yeah, that includes me. Also, you have to love the Clorox® whitening and dirt-fighting power. This mama sure appreciates it when red sauce is on the list to eliminate.


Well, that’s how our life works during our monthly spaghetti situation. We eat, James makes a unique mess, and mom cleans it up in a snap with Clorox Splash-Less Bleach. The best part of our spaghetti dinners? The memories. We’ll always remember the messes made, and the silly smiles covered in sauce, from every family member.

About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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  1. 10.21.16
    Taryn said:

    How do you prevent the bleach from bleaching the blue in his shirt? He is so cute!

    • 10.25.16
      Amiyrah said:

      Thank you! I actually wet the shirt where the stains are, and pour the Clorox on the stains. Since it’s the splash-less version, it makes virtually no mess.