When you are a new home owner, and you don’t know what the heck to buy for your home, you turn to the internet. Recently, I asked my friends on Facebook what coffee maker should I buy for the new house. Here’s the thing: we’ve never owned a coffee maker. I know, I know. We’re new to this adulting thing. I did what any smart millennial would do: I asked real and online friends what I should buy. Here are the top suggested coffee makers from my crew:
Keurig Coffee Maker
I knew this one would be on the list. Actually, my Mother-In-Law gifted us a keurig for the new house because she said “it’s the best.” The Keurig does seem like it’s the best choice for newbie coffee maker owners. It’s simple to set up, easy to use, and it’s a fast way to make a cup of coffee. My friend Amber said, “KEURIG. It changed my life. No waiting. No mess. It’s my happy place.” Amber also mentioned that she doesn’t use K-cups in her Keurig. I didn’t know that was an option!
French Press Coffee Maker
I have to admit, the French Press option scares me a little. It looks complex, even though it’s not. Every friend that suggested the French Press mentioned how simple it was, and how they is practically no mess. Sounds like the same thing the Keurig team proclaimed. The French Press method speaks to me because of the small space it will take up in my new kitchen. I’m trying not to clutter up our space in each room, and the French Press will fit so well into that plan.
Hamilton Beach 12 Cup Coffee Maker
My dear friend Andrea says that they use their French Press for “fancy mornings, but her family loves their Hamilton Beach coffee maker for every day. I love that this is programmable, so I can wake up to the smell of coffee.
My friend Amy also suggested a Hamilton Beach coffee maker, and she is VERY serious about her coffee. She also sent me a link to a cool looking coffee grinder. I need that too?
Then! My best friend Brandi mentioned her Hamilton Beach Dual Coffee Maker (pictured above), which makes a single cup of coffee and/or a full pot of coffee. YES.
Sigh. Why am I constantly sleeping on the awesome Hamilton Beach items out there? I recently talked to a representative of Hamilton Beach at a conference, and he suggested that we get their single cup coffee maker, since it will just be my husband and I drinking coffee. I love that idea.
Technivorm Moccamaster USA
OK. Now this coffee maker is for LEGIT coffee enthusiasts. It’s got all the bells and whistles, and the price tag to boot. But, my friend Lizz gives a convincing argument as to why we should give this one a try:
“I know you’re frugal, but hear me out. Jamie did a ton of research when we were looking recently, after our last one died. We ended up with a Technivorm Moccamaster USA, which America’s Test Kitchen called the best home brewer on the market.
It makes a SPECTACULAR cup of coffee, and only takes about 6 minutes for a whole pot. It doesn’t do any fancy stuff like a Ninja Coffee Bar or whatever, but it seriously makes the best coffee coffee I’ve ever had in my life.
The price seems steep, but we haven’t regretted it for one second, and figure that at like a 5 year lifespan (but really, it should last longer!) we’re talking about 30¢ a day or something. I love it so much. I never thought I’d be this passionate about a basic coffee maker.”
With a write-up like that, I have to at least listen to Lizz. This might have to be a housewarming present, or Christmas present, or Anniversary present, or a combination of all 3. The price IS pretty steep, even if the cup of coffee is phenomenal.
Cuisinart Perfect Temp 14-Cup Coffee Maker
My friend Jess (who is a YouTube star, by the way) says she’s all about the coffee pot, so the Cuisinart is her brew weapon of choice. I feel like as newbies, we should give the classic coffee pot at try. The reviews on Amazon for this coffee maker are pretty great, too.
Ninja Coffee Bar Brewer
My friend Ashleigh is a coffee connoisseur, and she loves this coffee maker. Confession: THIS is the coffee maker I want the most. Why? Because we are Starbucks addicts, and I think this might be the best way to make those fancy drinks at home. Since the first time I saw it, I dreamed about having it. My husband agrees, but since we are newbies, we’re wondering if it would be wise to start off with this. But, we do want it. The question is: will we actually use it?
Mr. Coffee 12-Cup Programmable Coffee Maker
This is our original choice for a coffee maker. Why? Because it’s the “classic” way to make coffee, and it’s under 20 dollars. I’ve never seen anyone complain about their Mr. Coffee machine, except to say that it was “too plain.” Plain is good when you’re on a budget, though. I loved that the price was so low, yet we could still program the coffee maker.
Chemex Coffeemaker
Dresden, Whit and Jessica said we need to go the Chemex route. If I bought a coffee maker based on how cool it looks, the Chemex would be at the top of the list. It’s streamlined, uses the pour-over method, and oh, it LOOKS COOL. Jess also has a Technivorm. I should just go live with her.
All The Things
My friend Adrianna appreciates coffee so much, that she decided to buy all things coffee. “We have a Keurig and a Nespresso. Because you can never have too much coffee. And a french press. And a pour over. And…and….<passes out>.”
I just love her. Maybe one day we’ll be that dedicated.
Sound off: what coffee maker should I buy? Which coffee maker do YOU have?
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I have the Keurig for daily: i need coffee quick and in a hurry. I have a Chemex for when i want to be fancy for lazy Sunday mornings and a French Press when I have fresh ground coffee I want to enjoy. I want to try a Nespresso. Ive heard once you try it you never go back. What did you decide to get?
In the post, I mentioned that my MIL gifted us with a new Keurig, so that’s what we have been trying out. As Starbucks lovers, I feel like we might upgrade to the Ninja Coffee Maker eventually. The Chemex looks the coolest, though!
I’m glad to see a mention for reusable k-cup pods. I love Keurig’s but the sheer amount of plastic waste they generate is an ecological blight. Worse, once you remove the foil seal, filter, and cotton padding you are left with 1/2 a teaspoon of freeze-dried coffee (I dissected a freebie k-cup once) making the nearly $10.00 price tag per box seems ridiculous. Currently, I’m just using my French press after getting rid of 90% of my kitchen stuff during my last KM decluttering and it’s a little boring. I want to purchase an upgrade this Black Friday. I’m thinking an espresso machine. Thanks for this post!
Thanks for your input, Nikki!
I have a Mr. Coffee Maker! One day I will upgrade to a Keurig. But I love it and yes it was very easy on the finances. Congrats on your new home!
The Ninja Coffee Bar will totally get use in your house. Even as newbies. 😉 I say go for it. Then you have it there for whatever you want. I have a coffeemaker, French press, mokapot, and Verismo espresso maker (brother gave me his quite a few years ago). I love my espresso maker most because I love hot and cold lattes. I like my French press second because it makes an awesome cup of coffee. I like my coffeepot maker and Mokapot the least. Actually, I mainly use the coffeemaker when we have company. The mokapot wasn’t cheap but someone swore it made the best espresso type product without an espresso maker. I couldn’t return it so I am holding on to it until I find the right home for it. I use to have a Keurig. I just wasn’t that into it. Convenient, sure. The coffee taste was just ‘eh’ to me.
I have an oldskool Keurig it’s ok. I find myself using my french press more cuz it’s super strong and I make Iced coffee more often then I drink hot. Also It’s easier right now to just go out and buy. I’d recommend the french press for sure and also buy some flavored syrups, coffee creamers, and whip. OH and don’t forget the caramel drizzle! <3
You just made me desperately want a ninja coffee bar…..
I did?! LOL We are excited to try it eventually. Christmas gift, maybe? 😀
We currently have a basic Mr. Coffee and a French press, but the Mr. Offer is what I use 90% of the time. It’s easy and I like it. I also bought a reusable filter for like $4 so I don’t mess with paper filters – just scoop the used grounds into the garbage with a spoon and rinse.
I had a keurig but I didn’t like it. K cups are more expensive than ground coffee, and I bought the reusable cup but it was kind of a pain to fill. And if anyone else wanted coffee you had to do the whole thing again instead of just making a pot. Mine broke and I went back to a regular coffee maker.
I had a fancy machine several years ago (not a ninja), but my son broke my espresso pot and the foaming wand didn’t work right, so my experience with that was not good. But maybe the ninja would be cooler.