Today’s Black Blogger Pioneer is the the incomparable Stacey Ferguson.
This woman. Have you ever met a person that built an actual empire? Well, Stacey is that person. Be Blogalicious is not only well known in the Black blogging community, but it is well-known within the blogging community as a whole. Stacey’s genius at building up her platform to properly represent blogging as a business has yet to be duplicated or exceeded. She understands the importance of giving back within business, and teaching others how to build their own powerful platforms is the key to the growth of all.
She’s also a kind, generous, and an insanely intelligent woman. I remember the first time I met Stacey. I’d heard of the Blogalicious conglomerate (yup, that’s what it is), and about Stacey. I was expecting this very direct, all business, super-confident person. The confidence was present, but there was an immediate sweetness to her. She was open and lovely. Every time we’ve crossed paths since then, she has been just as open and lovely. It’s not a game. It’s not an act. It’s Stacey.
Blog. Team. Conference. Blogger Network. This is Stacey’s empire. With Stacey as the foundation of that empire, you know it will continue to prosper.