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It feels pretty cool to say that we’ve kept 3 humans alive as parents. 3 tiny little beings came into the world, and my husband and I have done pretty well with keeping them safe, fed, and happy. Parenting achievement unlocked. Because of said achievement, we have some great parenting wisdom we love to pass along, especially when it comes to diaper rash. All 3 of our kids have experience diaper rash, and for new (and veteran) parents, it can be almost heartbreaking to see your kids go through. Here are some of our diaper rash tips and tricks for new parents.
Frequent Diaper Changes
This is probably the easiest way to prevent diaper rash, and relieve it if your little one is currently dealing with it. Wetness causes diaper rash, so if you can change your baby’s diaper at a scheduled time, a few times a day, that will help immensely. We used to set a timer to change our kiddos’ diapers every 2 hours. Think of the time that’s best for you, and make it top priority to get those little bums dry and clean.
Bare Bums
Speaking of bums, let those little things out of those diapers! I know, I know. Things can get messy fast, depending on what and when your little one eats. But, (heh…butt) if you can give them some diaper-free time, do it. The warmer months and warmer climates make this easier to do, but all parents have the opportunity to give their little naked babes some “free” time. We used to do this in the morning after their first diaper change of the day, and before bed during the interim between bath time and pajama time.
Wrap It Loose and Free
OK, baby has gotten enough of their streaking spell, so now it’s time for a diaper. Here’s a genius tip: put the diaper on as loose as you can. Air circulation will help to prevent and relieve diaper rash. It’s also great if you can dress them in loose clothing as well, which is also better for play time. One way we made sure to keep some room in a diaper is to put the diaper on, one tab at a time, then undoing and re-doing those tabs. It sounds weird, but you actually naturally loosen the diaper the second time you place the tab on the side. We always make it too tight the first time we put it on our babies, for some strange, odd reason.
Use The Proper Products
We learned a tough lesson with our first kiddo. When finding diaper rash products to help our baby boy, we just grabbed what was right in front of us. But, sleep deprived first time parents tend to do such things. Over the years, we’ve become very product loyal when it comes to baby products. Aquaphor is a staple in our home, and now Aquaphor Fast Relief Diaper Rash Paste has been added to the line up.
Aquaphor Fast Relief Diaper Rash key benefits:
- Relieves discomfort in just one use
- No unpleasant smell (thank goodness!)
- formula is hypoallergenic and free of parabens, talc, and fragrances
- smooth formula goes on easily and cleans off easily
- protects all night long
Pretty awesome, right? If you are creating a baby registry, or know someone who is, make sure Aquaphor products are on that list.
Want to win your own Aquaphor Welcome Baby Gift Basket for you, or someone you love? We’re giving one away!
Comment below with your best parenting tip that you’ve learned, or heard, and we’ll randomly pick a winner!
Make the right choice when it comes to your baby! Loved by moms, recommended by Pediatricians. All-purpose Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment provides protection from drool and diaper rash, as well as, relief for dry, chapped or irritated skin. Aquaphor Baby has diaper rash covered; for moderate diaper rash use 3-in-1 Diaper Rash Cream, and for more severe diaper rash try NEW Fast Relief Diaper Rash Paste. All of our products are hypoallergenic and free of parabens, fragrances, talc and dyes. Try our products now and visit the Aquaphor Baby Website for coupons and more information.
This post is sponsored by Aquaphor in partnership with BabyCenter.
The best parenting advice I ever received is to get in the pictures with your kids and family. As a mom it is easy to hide behind the camera and take all the pictures. Also, after the baby comes you don’t feel well enough or think you look well enough to want to have your picture taken. My daughter loves looking at old pictures of us together so I am glad I made myself follow this advice. Also, I wish I was as “fat” now as I thought I was then.
The best parenting tip I’ve heard is to always ask for help. Being a first time parent or parents overall asking for help seems like a day without coffee it is a disaster (not sure if that’s a good example) but we are afraid to ask for help. Ask for help even if you don’t need it.
My son’s pediatrician actually recommended Aquaphor when he was an infant. We couldn’t find ANYTHING that worked on his diaper rash. (And we used the healing ointment all over as he had super sensitive skin and would break out depending on what food I was eating.) I’ve since started using it on our daughter as she has a love of tomatoes she can’t seem to get over. The tomatoes are so acidic that she blisters (and she has no cares…because food.)
Best tip? Trust your intuition. Whenever I feel like something is off with one of my kids, I don’t even question it. A mom’s intuition is a strong one.
When my grandson came along he had a really bad case of acid reflux and every time I fed him he would projectile vomit and cry a lot because of the acid reflux. After numerous trials and errors with trying different formulas I finally found a winning combination that eased his acid reflux. Simalac Alimentium with a bit of rice cereal mixed in the bottle and then sleeping him on an incline did the trick along with previcid liguid. He is 6 now and still can’t eat anything with a lot of acid but he doesn’t have to take any medication now. I am expecting another grandchild and it will be my daughters first child so I am going to make her a book with all kinds of parenting tips in it.
The best advice we got was to put baby on a schedule as soon as possible. With twins as our first, it made a HUGE difference for us. But consistency helps babies thrive.
My best parenting tip is to do the hard things when your kid is asleep- removing splinters, cutting nails, I’ve even though of trying a haircut!
When your child decides to throw a good old fashioned hissy-fit, ignore them! My daughter was about 22 months old and was not happy with me. I was in the midst of cooking dinner, she wanted my attention and refused to wait until I could give her my attention. She flung herself in the middle of the floor and started screaming and kicking. I looked down at her, and stepped vet her so I could get to the refrigerator and get whatever it was that I needed. She was floored! She stopped her tantrum and went into her room and started playing with her toys.
The best tip I’ve ever received was don’t be so hard on yourself there is no manual or right or wrong for parenting. Take Advice as a grain of salt.
Best advise I got was to get out of the house with baby so you don’t go crazy or depressed.
The best advice that I have always received would be to cherish the moments that you have, when you child or children are newborn on up to the ages of 1 or 2 years old. The reason why people have told me that is because the baby will grow up so fast, and you will miss out on the times when he or she was small… 😊
Instead of buying gripe water, make loose leaf chamomile tea at home. Great for any tummy discomfort and bedtime.
Use a nursing pillow, or regular pillow, for breastfeeding, even when your baby is big enough to sit on your lap and reach your breast. It SAVES a first time mom’s wrists and thumbs from tendonitis.
First time parent and got our 1st rash recently. We are a cloth diaper family and my LO has a bladder like me so he is a heavy wetter. I used coconut oil and have him an oatmeal bath. The coconut oil really did wonders and by day 3 the redness was gone and my baby was feeling better at diaper changing time. He also loved his oatmeal bath, sat in it for 10 min.
The best advice I can give is breast feeding… it’s the best source of nutrients your baby can get. Plus it’s natural, no chemicals that may affect the baby. So if you can do it, do it!
Using Aquaphor is the best kept secret to helping diaper rashes heal!
You’re absolutely right, Jenn!
Best advice is… take it slow and enjoy every moment. We tend to rush through our days and spend free time often catching up on chores and social media. Take a moment to put that stuff aside, look at your children and consider the fact that they will never ever be so little ever again. Share hugs, laugh, play and enjoy.
The best advice I received is to take advice with a grain of salt and do what you think is best for your children. You aren’t going to make everyone happy and you know your kids best.
The best advice is to not co-sleep and to always make sure your baby is always placed to sleep on his or her back in his or her own sleep space without any pillows or blankets.