Why I’ll Always Spend An Hour With Her

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Dove Self-Esteem Workshop Hour With Her

This is a sponsored conversation on behalf of Dove.

“I’m not pretty, but I’m talented, so that’s what I like about me.”

Aleshia shared her writing with me during our Dove Self-Esteem Workshop together. This very shy 7th grader wrote words that were familiar to me. This is the space I was in at her age. Sometimes, this is the space I still share with her.

Self-esteem is a work in progress.

Hearing this beautiful girl comment about not feeling pretty, reminded me of the work all women continue as we go through our lives. Self-esteem can ebb and flow, and we always need a reminder of how amazing we are. Within less than an hour, I was able to be that reminder for Aleshia. Within less than an hour, she also became that reminder for me. An hour can change a woman’s life.

Alannah birthday2

Setting An Example For My Girl

A healthy view of self is something that I continually work on; not just for myself, but for my girl. Alannah is almost 8, and she’s watching everything I say and do. She and I are the only girls in our home, so I take pride in the conversations we have. She looks to me to show her the power we have as women, and she comes to me when she wants to learn just about everything. That hour I had the privilege of spending with Aleshia solidified the time I dedicate to my own daughter. Just one hour with my own child can change her life.

An Hour With Her

Dove Real Beauty Productions has release their second season their thought-provoking short films. An Hour With Her is an amazing project dedicated to women spending just one hour with a girl who needs someone. Someone to talk to, someone to fill them up, someone to increase their self-esteem. It’s one hour where they can be seen, exactly the way they are.

The first short film from this season was in partnership with Shonda Rhimes, and was directed by THE Debbie Allen.

Dove Hour With Her

The Dove Self-Esteem Project

During my time with Dove at 2018’s Mom 2.0 Summit, I received a special Dove Self-Esteem Project #HourWithHer kit. This kit is so helpful for parents, family members, mentors or teachers that are looking to uplift, inspire and increase the self-esteem of a girl.

If you have a young girl in your life, please think about spending just one hour with her to increase her confidence in herself.

Be sure to visit Dove’s website for more information on the Dove Self-Esteem Project.


About Amiyrah

My name is Amiyrah and I'm an an African American fashion & lifestyle blogger based in Ohio.

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